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"It's in there?" Steve asked, nudging the basement door with a bat with nails hammered through it. Dustin nodded, very hesitant to go near it. It was dark, and Toni was confused as to why they were tackling this in the middle of the night.

"Hey, where did you get that?" Toni asked, mentioning to the bat.

"Uh, you told me you were under attack, I assumed you were with Nancy and Johnathan and they'd set up a whole crazy trap for the demegorgan, including this bat, and I kinda just held onto it." He shrugged.

"Forget I asked." She shrugged. "Dustin, where's the key?" She asked, and he fished it out of his pocket, handing it to Steve who opened the door.

"Okay, here we go." He breathed.

"Be careful." Toni said. "That thing is creepy as shit, it growls like an angry cat." She shuddered.

"It's fine, I'll be fine." He said, before disappearing from sight.

"Relax, Ant, he'll be fine." Dustin said.

"No offence, Dust', I really don't trust your judgement right now." She said bitterly. "If that thing bites him-"

"He won't! Dart is a good boy."

"Try telling that to Mews."

"Uh, you guys!" Steve called. "I think you're gonna wanna see this!" Both Toni and Dustin descended into the basement, only to find it covered in some kind of gloop.

"What the hell?" Toni breathed, more concerned about it getting on her than anything else. She then turned her head, finding the main problem at hand. "Please tell me I'm imagining the tunnel and that thing didn't escape to god-knows where."

"Uh... you're imagining the hole and Dart did not escape to anywhere." Dustin said, a deep frown on his face.

"Damn it, Dustin!"

"What?! I thought he would be safe down here!"

"What made you think that?! Are you an idiot?! Does your brain not function like it should?!"

"Okay, let's just relax." Steve said, coming in between the two, purely due to the fact it looked as if Toni was about ready to strike her brother, and nobody wanted that. "We can figure this out. We can... I don't know bait it."

"I'll keep trying the others." Dustin shrugged. "And since I'm not wanted down here..." He said, making his way outside. What was going on? Why was she feeling like this? She was so irritable, and frankly she felt she needed to beat the life out of someone to make it ease off.

"Hey, what's going on with you?" Steve asked and she shrugged.


"Then why are you clenching your fists, huh?" She looked down to her hands, finding she had been clenching her fists. She opened up her hand, dragging her sweaty palm down her jeans. "Talk to me, come on."

"I just..." She began, feeling like she was about to lose control of the flood gates. "I feel like I'm having some severe deja vu."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean something... something doesn't feel right here. I feel like I'm going through the same motions as last year when Will disappeared and... I'm terrified incase that happens again to someone else, you, Dustin, Lucas, and I don't think anyone is gonna be able to stop it."

"The demogorgan is dead, right? So-"

"So you're just assuming there's nothing else in the upside down?"

"Now I definitely think you need a doctor."

"Stop trying to take me to doctors!" She sighed. "I don't need a doctor, I need answers."

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