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Dustin stood with the phone in his hand, pretending to talk to someone about Mews who, as far as their mother was concerned, had just gotten lost. She had hold of her daughters hand, her red eyes stricken with hope.

"Okay... okay, thank you." Dustin pit the phone down, turning to his mother and sister. "Good news, someone spotted her."

"Oh thank god." Their mother sighed.

"Hey, maybe you should go over there and look in the area." Dustin urged, practically shoving her out of the door. Once she was gone, both he and Toni looked to each other.

"Okay, are you sure you can do this?" She asked him. "I can stay if you-"

"I got this." He assured her. "Go talk to Mr Wheeler."

"Okay. Keep your walkie on this frequency so you can get me if anything happens." He nodded, smiling at her. "Good luck."

"You too." She ruffled his hair before disappearing out of the door.


Toni waited by the door, hearing the locks move from inside. It swung open, and Mr Wheeler looked at her for a moment.

"Oh, hi, Toni." He said. "Nancy isn't-"

"Actually, I wondered if I could talk to you. Um... because my father isn't around and I feel like you're the closest thing I have so..."

"Oh." He breathed. "Of course, come on it." She smiled, following him inside to the table where they both took a seat. "What's on your mind, kid?"

"Well... Steve and I got into a fight and... honestly I don't think we're together at the moment and I hate it so much because I love him but I-"

"What, you can't change him?"

"No! No, I wouldn't want him to change at all, he's perfect just as he is but his jealousy is just so overpowering that I couldn't take it and I guess I just snapped."

"Do you know where his jealousy came from?" She shrugged, believing all of this couldn't've come from Billy alone. "Okay... give me a for instance."

"Okay, uh... okay, so obviously you love your wife more than anything and suddenly a new guy starts talking to her and openly flirting with her and and touching her arm, how... how does that make you feel?"

"I don't know the guy, but I hate him."

"But why? What is it that makes you hate him?" She asked, still unable to grasp what it was.

"You're right, I do love my wife. I love her like I never thought I could love anything. And this man is trying to take her from me. I'm looking at this man, who probably has more muscles that I do, is more tan than me, has a nicer car, whatever it is and I can't compete with that. And now I'm in a position where I have to intercept her and keep her away from this man because the more she is near him, the more she's gonna see how much better for her he is. He might want her, but I can't live without her. I need her to just hold me, and sooth my insecurities and tell me that she wants nobody else. And just hearing it puts my mind at ease that she's not gonna go anywhere." Toni sat in silence, letting that wash over her. "My advice, talk to him. No fighting, no yelling, just talk. Things aren't always smooth sailing when you're in love, but you have to stick out the storm if you wanna see the sun." She felt there was nothing more to say. And it just so happend that Dustin had encountered a flaw in his plan.

"Ant! Ant, it happend!"

"I should-"

"Of course." He smiled as she stood.

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