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The absolute highlight of Antoinette's week was getting to see Steve play basketball. She loved nothing more than watching him do something he was passionate about. She'd left him by the changing rooms, and was waiting for him up in the bleachers in the gym. She watched his every move, being sure to cheer at his success'. However, when the boys needed a break, before Steve could approach her, both he and Toni saw Billy coming towards her. She quickly pulled out a book, flicking to a random page and starting at any word just to look busy so he'd leave her alone. Unfortunately, he was too determined for his own good.

"What are you reading?" He asked, perching beside her.

"Oh, you know... stuff." She shrugged. From in the corner of her eye, she watched him remove his shirt and use it wipe the sweat off of his chest.

"Come on. Losen up, ice queen, I'm not that bad."

"No, thank you."

"You're trying to tell me you're not attracted to me? At all?" She cleared her throat, shaking her head.

"I have a boyfriend."

"You're still with him?" He scoffed. "Even after all of the shit he's been saying about you?" She turned to him finally, blinking a few times.

"What?" She breathed. "What do you mean- what did he say about me?"

"He thinks your a slut, Toni." Her mouth became agape, as she felt like her whole body became stiff. Surely... this couldn't be true. Surely Steve wouldn't say this about her. "He blames you for his trust issues, and he told me that your a bitch."

"He said that? He actually said that?" Billy nodded, secretly enjoying that look on her face. She suddenly shoved all of her things back into her bag and throwing it over her should before storming down the bleachers.

"Toni?" Steve spoke as she pushed past him. "Ton- Toni, hey!" He chased after her as she pushed her way outside. "Antoinette!"

"What?!" She snapped, stopping at last to look at him.

"Wh- is something wrong? You look upset." He said, oblivious to what had just happened.

"Am I a slut?" She hissed.

"What?" He scoffed.

"Apparently, you think I'm a bitch and you blame me for your trust issues."

"That's crap! Who told you that?"


"Not that guy again!"

"Why do you hate him so much?!"

"He's so into you, it's sickening!"

"So what?!" She groaned. "Who cares?!"

"Me! I care! He wants to sleep with you, and I can't believe you don't see it!"

"And what if he does, huh?" She breathed, folding her arms across her chest. "So what if he fantasies about taking me behind the bike shelter, does that mean he gets to?! God, don't you trust me?!"

"Of course I-"

"Then grow up!"

"Then stay away from him!"

"No." She said, and he raised his eyebrows at her.


"No. You can't tell me what to do- your jealousy doesn't dictate what I do or who I talk to." She warned.

"What is it with you? You can't do this one thing for me?"

"One... one thing? I do so much for you, onlookers would think I'm your slave. Which just proves how one sided this thing is."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"All you do is show me how bored you are. You treat me like the chore that you don't wanna do, in fact, when was the last time you told me that you loved me?"

"What does that matter?"

"It's nice to hear it sometimes, or ever."


"No, I'm so over this!"

"If you're so unhappy, break up with me!"

"Done!" She said before she could stop it.

"What?" He breathed, already feeling the tightening set in in his chest. "You're done with me?"

"I don't know." She said under her breath, looking to the floor. "You know I love you, Steve, but I can't... save us all on my own and... you stopped fighting so long ago I forget what it feels like." Before Steve could further argue her words, he was being called back in by Coach for the second half of the game. "I'll see you around, Steve." She shrugged.

"Toni, wait, I..." He stopped when she walked away, realising he had the chance to fight for her and he let it pass him by. "Please don't walk away from me!" Toni kept walking, no matter how bad she wanted to turn and embrace him. She wouldn't break down in front of him. She refused.


What the hell was keeping them? They should've been out here a half hour ago. Toni smashed her fist against the car horn once again, but there was still nothing. She made to go inside the school and drag them out one by one, but as she climbed out of her car...

...she was there once more.

She look around, the white particles surrounding her. In the distance, she saw the shadow emerging. But this time, it wasn't looking at her. It was looking at a lone figure out in the field.

"Will?" She breathed. "Will!" She called, finding she was running towards him. "Will!" She practically screamed, and he turned his head to her.

"Toni!" He returned, meeting her in the middle, and wrapping his arms around her. "I'm so scared." He whined.

"Me too." She admitted. "But I've got you. Okay, I've got you. You're alright." She took a step back, grabbing his hand. "We have to go."

"No." He said, tugging his hand away. "I have to face it."

"Will-" She was stopped when long, thin tredils of smoke were heading for him at a rapid pace. "Will, its not worth it!" She panicked, her hand touching his shoulder at the same time as the smoke entered all of his available orifices, and something threw her back with such force...

...she landed a few feet away from him.

She noticed the darkness had faded away as soon as the wind was knocked out of her body. The back of her head hit the ground so hard, it sent her unconscious.

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