Friends Reunite

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The walk was surprisingly non-challenging, aside from the occasional undead here and there, the real threat was yet to be seen. As Alice and Chris finally reached the church, as they heard a couple of gunshots from the structure. Alice found a motorcycle and got on. She put on the helmet and told Chris to keep watch outside the church, and he did as she asked. Chris stood there for the next little while contemplating this entire situation, as Alice had gone to the church to find any survivors. Alice finally returned, and with her, she brought a familiar ally in Jill. The two hugged briefly. “Thank God, I was starting to think you were a goner Jill.” He said, smiling out of relief. She returned a smile, “Chris, this is Peyton Wells and Terri Morales, I came across them on my way out of the police department in downtown.”. She continued, “You know me better than that, besides it’d take more than this to bring me down. Though we still need to find Elizabeth." She said, her expression becoming more serious. Chris and Alice nodded in agreement, “well then, we’d better get moving.” Alice said, a slight smile coming across her face. Jill of course didn’t know who Alice was yet, but if Chris let her hang around, then she thought she could trust the woman, and so they departed from the church, and they moved swiftly to hopefully find Elizabeth, and then hopefully they could get out of here.

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