The Agent

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The station was silent, not surprisingly, after all this was an outbreak of some new virus. Nic had never seen such a virus in his lifetime, but this was a start. As he walked through the halls, his long-sleeved dark red shirt brushing against the walls, he noticed someone was still in an office ahead. Nic knew to take caution, after all, in his line of work that was always the best option. He didn't make a sound as he opened a vent, and went in. He could feel the cold metal through his black pants, but he was experienced, so he didn't make one sound. He kept crawling through the vent until he found an opening on the other side, which seemed to be going into the room where that person was. 'I hope they like company at a time like this' Nic thought to himself. He tabled that for another day, and decided to open the vent and enter the room. As he exited from the crawlspace and begun to stand, he was met by a gun. He finally stood, though he was now held at gunpoint. Nic couldn't tell who it was, but could make the person out as a young woman. The woman was wearing what appeared to be a green shirt, with a white vest and some combat type gear over that. Her pants went down to almost her ankles, but left a decent amount of space between that and her boots, which were dark brown. She had short brown hair, though she looked familiar in a way, even though Nic had never seen her before. She girl dropped her gun, seeming very willing to come across anyone who could help. She raised it again after a moment of thought, "are you with Umbrella? Are you infected? Answer me." She stated, firmly, but not sounding all that confident. Nic thought to himself for a moment, and decided he would lie to her for now, seeing as he did not know her, so she herself could've been a spy for the corporation. He smiled slightly, "my apologies, Nicholas Jones, I was sent in by the FBI to investigate this...situation." He stated, pulling out his fake FBI badge, but it was extremely convincing, and the young woman seemed to buy it. She lowered her gun, "oh, I'm...I'm so sorry, everything around here has gone crazy." She said, in a slightly unsteady tone. Nic couldn't help but feel slight pity for the young woman, not for the reason of trying to call her weak, but because she clearly hadn't had much experience with her work as a member of the S.T.A.R.S. unit. Her occupation was clear, it was on her outfit. The woman shook her head and kindly introduced herself, "I'm sorry, I haven't even introduced myself. My name is Rebecca Chambers, I'm a medic with the S.T.A.R.S. unit, or whatever is left of it. There are only 4 other members left, as far as I know, either that or they're dead by now." She said, her face dropping into some sadness. Nic gave her a pat on the shoulder and smiled, he then gave her some words of encouragement, and she smiled and took the words into account. She also told him she was a medic in that unit, so Nic became curious what she was doing here. "What are you doing in this station then?" he asked her, not trying to be too serious with his tone, but she kindly answered "I'm looking for someone, but it's someone who you'd probably be trying to go after yourself." She answered. Nic was suspicious of this answer, but decided not to question her about that statement, and simply nodded before he began to depart the station. "Where are you going?" she called out, causing him to stop and turn around. He grinned, "don't panic, just trust me, I'll be around.".

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