The Graveyard & the Missing Girl

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The walk was a quiet one, as no one said a word. Alice spoke, “we need to stop for a moment and rest.” She said. Terri spoke up, but her tone was one of fear. “Uh uh, there could be more of those…those things.” She said, Alice kindly retorted “if there were more we would’ve seen them by now.”. Chris narrowed his eyes in curiosity, as Jill asked “you know what they are?”, also in curiosity. Alice didn’t hesitate to give them an answer, “they’re bio-weapons, created in the Umbrella labs.” She answered. Terri seemed to be a bit suspicious of this answer. “How do you know so much about Umbrella?” she asked, trying not to hint to her suspicion. Alice seemed to catch on to it though, but she didn’t seem to think it as unwarranted. “I used to work for them.” She replied, her tone not too serious. Peyton interjected after that, seeming to groan in pain as he clutched his left leg. “shit.” He said, more so out of pain. Alice took out one of her shotguns, and aimed it at Peyton’s head. Jill immediately took out her pistol and aimed at Alice, “hold it.” She said. Alice took out her other shotgun and aimed at Jill. Chris and Terri watched the scene unfold from the sidelines. “what the hell do you think you’re doing?” Jill asked angrily. Alice gave a quick look at Peyton, and then her gaze went back to Jill. “He’s infected. You should do it now, if not, it’ll be more difficult later.” She continued, as Peyton look at her wide eyed and slightly nervous. Chris and Terri watched on and listened intently to the brief words that followed, until Jill finally spoke. “No.” she said, putting down her pistol, “if it comes to that, I’ll handle it myself.” She said, not taking her serious gaze off Alice. Alice looked again at Peyton, and reluctantly lowered her weapons before she begun to quickly look them over and make sure they were loaded. She looked back at Peyton, a more serious expression painted her face. “It’s nothing personal, but in an hour, maybe two, you’ll become one of them. You’ll attack your two friends, and possibly Chris, try to kill them, and probably succeed. I’m sorry, that’s just the way it is.” She told him, as he gulped nervously. A scream from Terri broke the silence after that, as an undead begun to climb out from the ground behind her, but Chris gave the zombie a hard kick to the head, and helped Terri up. This as the undead begun to pour from around the forest and from the graves in the graveyard they had stopped in. Alice and Jill, alongside Peyton, took the undead on in melee-combat, whilst Chris stayed near Terri and fired off his rifle, and doing his best to keep Terri safe. Eventually, Alice warns them that the undead are too many, and so they rush from the graveyard, and off to the highway. Luckily, the undead were too slow, so they lost the horde not long after leaving the graveyard. As they walked the streets, a phone rang, and Alice answered it reluctantly, not wanting to draw anymore of the undead to them. She stated that a man had called them, asking them to help him find his daughter, to which she agreed, in exchange for transportation out of Raccoon City. Later, they came across a bus and took shelter there for a while. Alice spoke to them during this time, “we need to try and get out of here soon.” She said, her face becoming more serious by the moment. Jill questioned “well, what did he say exactly?”. Alice checked out all her weapons while answering, “Dr. Ashford, his daughter, Angela, is trapped somewhere in the city. She was supposed to arrive with a convoy to escape the city, but, she never made it. He thinks she’s held up in Raccoon City Junior school.” She said seriously. Terri listened intently, as did Chris, whilst Peyton listened while keeping watch near the windows. The conversation continued with Alice saying that Umbrella knew the outbreak was too far out of their control, but then Alice said “by sunrise tomorrow, Raccoon City will be completely sanitized.” She said, as she cocked one of her shotguns. Terri looked at her with slight fear, “what do you mean sanitized?” she asked. Chris looked at Jill with a fearful expression on his face, and she looked back at him with the same look. He sighed and decided to answer Terri’s question, “it means that they’re going to drop a bomb on Raccoon City.” He said, letting out a deep breath after saying this. Terri’s face grew more fearful, as Alice told them that what he said was true, and that a bomb was already set to be on its way. Jill scoffed out of fear and anger, “what yield?” she asked, Alice replied “10-megatons.”. Jill scoffed again, this time out of more fear, “fuck me.” She said. Peyton angrily stated “that’s bullshit, no fucking way would they get away with that!” he said. Terri narrowed her eyes as she seemed to already be catching on quickly, “cover-up.” She said. Alice nodded at her in agreement, “cover-up is already prepared, meltdown at the nuclear power plant.”. Terri nodded, “a tragic accident.” She continued, now understanding the full extent. Peyton was still ranting slightly, out of fear and anger, stating that Umbrella wasn’t capable of that, but Jill interjected. “Peyton, you saw what happened at the bridge out of the city, you know what Umbrella’s capable of.” She said, and Chris was confused with what she meant by this, but he stayed silent. Jill turned back to Alice and asked “so what now?”, and Alice replied “I think we should be out of here by sunrise.”.

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