Designated Destruction

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It had been too long a night, yet still he walked through the streets without much issue. He did have to take out a few of the undead, but he was able to use his skills in melee combat to take care of them. He had reunited with Rebecca, and this time she had a man with him. Nic knew what Rebecca meant by her earlier statement, as this was Billy Coen, a criminal. Nic did not however say anything about that though, as if he hadn’t harmed her yet, then he must not have been the criminal that he was claimed to be by…Brian Irons of course, why was that not surprising? Nic shook himself out of his thoughts as he introduced himself to Coen. “If you’re FBI, then do you know what the hell is going on down here?” Billy asked him, and Nic could sense the suspicion in his tone, “no, that is the reason I was sent here in the first place. Besides, if I did actually know what was going on here, they wouldn’t have sent me, and you would’ve already known yourselves, that’s all.” Nic cleverly retorted, knowing this excuse could likely convince the man. The man frowned slightly, but he did nod. Nic could tell the man wasn’t buying what was admittedly a lie, but he didn’t really care, as he was curious himself as to what exactly was going on, so he might as well be an FBI agent. “Anyway, we haven’t much time. I’ve had an informant in the city, she told me that Umbrella Corporation was behind the outbreak here. She also told me that Umbrella apparently knows that they cannot contain the outbreak, and so a 10-megaton nuclear bomb will be dropped on Raccoon City in about the next three to five hours.” He revealed, keeping a serious expression while doing so. Rebecca’s jaw dropped slightly at the revelation, “so, in other words, they’re going to destroy Raccoon City, in an attempt to cover-up what they did?” she asked. Nic nodded but said nothing further, until his ‘informant’ contacted him via his earpiece. “Yes?” he answered, with Rebecca and Billy eagerly awaiting what he would have to say after. His informant answered, “I’ve been monitoring the labs down here using the cameras. A rookie cop named Leon has the G-virus sample, I’m going to meet him down in one of the labs to obtain the sample.” She stated. Nic smirked slightly at the mention of the cop, “really? A cop? Not really your style, is he?” he teased her. She laughed slightly on the other line, “no, but let’s just say he’s continuously surprised me.” She replied, before the contact ended. He turned around to face Billy and Rebecca, but decided not to tell them about this woman’s real job. His serious expression returned, “that was one of my co-workers, she got sent here to investigate the outbreak as well. She informed me that she has nearly recovered a sample of this virus from one of Umbrella’s labs. Once she gets it out of the city, she can get it to the Federal government, and expose Umbrella’s involvement.”. Rebecca gave a nod, whilst Billy did the same, but still seemed clearly suspicious of Nic and his motives. Nic began to walk away again. “Now where are you going?” Rebecca asked, clearly becoming concerned about him walking away and leaving them. He didn’t turn around this time, but did reply “you’re in safe hands, and you only have 5 hours left to get out of the city, so I’d suggest you make good time. Besides, as I’ve said before, I’ll be around.”. Afterwards, Nic departed again, for what they didn’t know would be the final time.

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