Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Song: Why- Jason Aldean

Lesson number two: Don't let the ghost from your past back into your life, no matter how badly you miss them.

Things between Hunter and I have been... off since the night in the kitchen after dinner. I can't think of a reason why, considering he had acted fine-- better than fine when we had our moment by ourselves, but something's wrong, and he's slowly distancing himself from me again. Even in training, Hunter's rigid, following dad's guidelines to a T. I find it hard to concentrate and for once, it isn't his physique that catches me off guard; it's his cold attitude that has me on edge every waking second.

At first, I don't think much of it. Maybe training isn't going the way him and dad intended and it's worrying them because of Demetrius' eerie absence. Because of that, I force myself to work harder, but even as I improve, his stand-offishness doesn't change. It isn't until he snaps one day in training that I grow concerned.

Hunter makes me run laps around the gym instead of our usual sparring on the mat. I can't help but be distracted with thoughts about why he's acting so strange, and why he isn't talking to me like usual. At night, he's silent and only lays with me, but even that's different because he isn't as comforting as he always had been-- even when we were enemies. There's also been a few nights where he didn't sneak in, and I'm left with my thoughts all night, wondering where he is and why he has so abruptly shut me out. I can't even remember the last time he kissed me. All of these thoughts invade my mind as I run my laps, and I assume the connection between our minds is fading once again-- until he proves me wrong.

"Will you be quiet!?" Hunter hisses, and I take a break from my run, hunching over with my hands on my knees as I catch my breath.

"I didn't say anything!"

He glares before storming toward the gym door. "Well stop thinking so damn loud!"

He slams the door behind him, and I stand there, completely baffled and confused. I'm not sure what I did to make him so irritated, but it's as if he's done a complete 180. I don't even know how to approach him and find out why.

I finish out my training as best as I can, and then I head upstairs to get a shower before reading in the living room. I make it through two chapters before Cleo hops over the edge of the couch, plopping down beside me. "What are you doing in here all by your lonesome, Lassie? And where's that fine piece of ass you're in love with?"

"Ugh, you know how much I hate that nickname," I scrunch my nose in disgust, and Cleo rolls her eyes. I return my attention to my book. "Also, I'm not in love with him. I don't know where he is. I'm not his babysitter. And don't you think your nicknames for him are a bit... much?"

"Put your claws away, kitty kat. I just like to see you get bent out of shape when I speak about your man's handsomeness."

"Once again, he is not my man."

"All I hear is denial."

I hold my book up in my face to block Cleo out. "I'm trying to read."

She snatches the book out of my hand. "Yeah, well, instead of imagining Hunter and you as the main love interests, why don't you go out with me? I haven't been to an American shopping mall in ages."

"I really just want to rest. Training was difficult today," I say, but it wasn't difficult because of the physical aspect of what I had to do, but rather because of the tension Hunter stuffed the room with.

"Oh, you're not using that excuse," She pulls me off the couch, and I allow her to, despite purposefully making her struggle a little bit. She leads me to her car outside. "Besides, isn't Hunter's birthday coming up soon? There's no better show of love than a meaningful gift that can go along with your proclamation of love."

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