Chapter Forty-Five

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Song: It's All Coming Back to Me Now- Celine Dion

As I charge toward him, every kiss we shared up until that point flashes through my mind. That boy had been my first kiss, my first hand to hold, my first love... there really is nothing left to lose. I could kiss him and he might not respond, and then I would have to figure out where to go from there. Or I could sit there and ponder the what ifs and end up regretting it down the line, wondering what could have happened if I had just had the courage to kiss the damn boy.

Space clears on the path to him, and as I grow closer, his eyes meet mine, and his head tilts to the side. I ignore the nervous tickles that spread across my arms and just focus on him, the one person I love more than anything in the world. There's freedom in being able to admit that to myself.

Right before I reach him, someone wraps their arms around my waist and pulls me into the crowd of dancing couples, and I try to move out of their grip, frantically searching for the place Hunter had just been. When I turn to tell off the person who grabbed me, my rant instantly dies down as I come face to face with my dad. He raises an eyebrow. "On a mission, sweetheart?"

My cheeks burn. Talk about embarrassing. The last person I want to see me storming to kiss a boy would be my father. I begrudgingly place my hand in his and mutter, "Not now."

"Ah, young love. I remember how it was with your mother and I at that age," He smirks. "I don't think either of us ever cleared the middle of a dance floor to go kiss the other, though."

I bury my chin in my chest. "Dad!"

"I'm just messing with you, Alaska. It's fatherly love," He chuckles, patting my back with his hand. "I admit, I was skeptical of your feelings toward him when we found out he was Demetrius' son, but now I see it. You were right. He would never switch sides, and it's because of you that he wouldn't. You're the best parts of each other."

I bite my lip, the lump in my throat burning. "We aren't the best parts of each other. We used to just fit together. It had always been that way," My voice cracks. "But now, he seems to be better without me."

"I don't think that's the case."


"Because when you're in love with somebody, the world is a much darker place without them."

"And how do you know it's that way for him?"

Dad stops swaying us. "I said he wouldn't switch sides because of you. If he was truly better without you, he would've been gone months ago."

"Dad, you gave him the job to protect me," I mutter, shaking my head. "He wouldn't want to disappoint you."

"I gave him the option to give it up the night of your birthday, when I saw how heartbroken you were. Even threatened to kick his ass for hurting my little girl," He replies, brushing his hand against my cheek as he smiles softly. "That threat didn't even faze him. He didn't take the option. He chose not to. He. didn't. leave."

I stare at dad, tears slipping from my eyes as he begins swaying us around again. His smile only grows softer. "We fight for the ones we love. I know you love him. I don't think there was ever anyone else you could've loved, who could've been a better fit. So, as your father, I'm telling you to not let him go. And as someone who's been in love... I'm telling you this isn't the end. It only becomes the end if you let it be."

Just as the song ends, dad twirls me around, releasing my hand and sending me flying away from him. Right before I trip, someone catches me in their arms, and my palms rest against their chest. As I look up, I find Hunter's brown eyes, the ones I adore. Home. His gaze softens as he places me back on my feet, and "It's All Coming Back to Me Now" begins its gentle interlude through the speakers above us as he slowly sways us around.

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