Chapter Seven

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Song: Cold- Maroon 5  ft. Future

Hunter's face instantly pales as his hand slips from mine. I glance around the woods, trying to see if anything is out of the ordinary, but there's nothing. It doesn't make sense to me. The two of us being in the middle of the woods would be the perfect attack. So why aren't they pursuing it?

Then, I realize. Simply killing me isn't enough. Demetrius wants to make a statement out of me. He wants revenge for his brother, and leaving my body in the middle of the woods in a city far from home-- specifically, where my parents live-- isn't enough to satisfy what he's trying to achieve. If I have to guess, I would say he'll try to push us closer to home, or at least to a place where my parents would also be, and execute his plan then. Of course, us being on the run only benefits him. He can torture me until he's ready to kill me, and that's how he plays. My parents  warned me of it. His satisfaction is derived from seeing his victims suffer, and then victory is achieved through killing them after he feels the suffering he put them through is sufficient.

I have a feeling his plan with me is going to be extra "special", given the circumstances and the history between Noctis and Bloodbound.

"You can transport, right?" Hunter panics. "We need to get back to the motel quick, but they could be surrounding the woods."

"I can transport because of my breed, but that power probably won't work too well until I turn 20," I sigh, and Hunter runs a hand over his face.

"You're gonna have to try. Besides, you're a little different from the normal mind deceiver breed. You're stronger, more powerful."

"Fine. But if we end up drowning in some random lake because I couldn't transport right, it's your fault."

"And you call me dramatic?"

I choose to ignore Hunter's comment as I step toward him and wrap my arms around his neck, burying my head in his shoulder. He tenses before slowly-- and hesitantly-- wrapping his arms around my waist. "Is this necessary?"


"I mean, considering I've rarely used this power during my short time on earth, it is necessary if you wanna ensure that you go with me, thank you."

...He doesn't need to know that it isn't entirely necessary, and that dad had worked with me on transporting about a month before we left. But, those are small details. It's half necessary. A mere precaution.

I close my eyes and hold him tighter, imagining our motel room in my mind as my powers begin to activate in me. Every time I shift, the strength in my body grows ten times more apparent, and it has shifted so significantly that I have to loosen my hold on Hunter in order to not hurt him. Then, my eyes fly open, and the gold in them reflects off of Hunter's black t-shirt. My vision turns into a whirlwind of white, and the two of us are lifted off the ground. In an instant, we're standing in the middle of our motel room. For a few seconds, we continue to hold each other, and then Hunter pushes me away, a grimace on his face.

I'd like to say that hurts less than it does.

Hunter begins shoving our belongings into our bags, and I check every inch of the room, making sure no one managed to get in. When I return to where Hunter is, I sit beside the backpack on the bed. "So now what?"

"We leave this motel and keep going," He glance at me, shooting me a look that says "how dumb are you?". I roll my eyes and swing my backpack over my shoulder. He hands my cloak to me and throws on his own. The two of us run out of the room, and as we pass by the window where Hunter paid for our room, I notice the man lying on the floor in the office, surrounded by a pool of blood.

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