Chapter Thirty- Six

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Song: Dial Tone- Catch Your Breath

My feet pound against the synthetic rubber of the track, the sound blending with my heavy breaths. Sweat coats my skin as I complete lap after lap. The fast pace of drums blasts in my ears as I try to drown out thoughts I want to avoid, tune out everything but the thump of my heart that blends in with the music. Everything I do nowadays is to avoid those thoughts, but it proves to be a challenge with the daily reminder living in the same house.

When the song changes, I come to a slow, bending over with my hands on my knees as I puff out breaths. I close my eyes, the sound of my heartbeat rising over the more gentle beat of the next song. My heart slows, and just when I can breathe normally again, someone drapes a towel around my neck. I glance behind me to find a shirtless Bennett smiling. "Despite being a retired athlete, there is no way in hell I would willingly partake in a morning run."

"Research says it's a good way to start the day," I smile, standing up straight and facing him.

"Good thing I don't abide by research," Bennett's eyes rake over me. "Unless it says sweats makes you look hot. Then it would be accurate for you."

My smile falters, but I don't let him see it. Instead, I take a step forward, muster up a fake flirtatious smile, and breathily tease, "Didn't I warn you before about those kind of comments?"

His hand shoots out and wraps around my waist, pulling me flush against him. "Babydoll, I don't give a damn about your warnings."

Bennett's lips press against mine for a slow, mouthy kiss with instant tongue. Again, I find myself feeling nothing but a newfound ick as his hands roam over every curve of my body, my chest pressed too tightly against him which I'm sure is giving him an eyeful. His hands run down the side of my thigh and curve under my butt, and he sloppily picks me up and sits me on the training mats. His breath against my face and in my mouth is too hot, but I try to move my lips against his, although we're completely out of sync. What am I doing? This has been a daily thought lately. My life is in shambles and I'm making out with my ex's... whatever he was best friend. Truthfully though, I know why I'm doing it. Anything to distract from the deep ache in my heart because of the space that used to be filled with Hunter. Anything to forget that there isn't that gaping hole in my heart and he's the only one I want to hold me right now, to kiss me like before.

I'm well aware it's not Hunter in front of me when Bennett wraps my legs around his waist and presses me against him even tighter than before, letting out a moan as his lips touch the side of my mouth instead of my lips. Still, I wrap my arms around his neck and try to imagine Hunter instead, but it's nowhere near what it was like with Hunter. No feeling compares to how I felt with him every time, even when we were enemies.

Bennett continues kissing me and groping me when the gym door flies open and Hunter storms in. Bennett ignores him, lowering his hands to just above my butt, which I know Hunter can very well see in the mirror. In fact, when his eyes do land on us, they flash red, and his hands ball into fists as he begins to rush toward us, but then, he suddenly stops as if he's holding back. I watch as he clears his throat, but the look in his eyes never goes away. "Sleazy time is over. She needs to train."

Bennett finally pulls himself away, drool sliding down his chin as he smirks at me before turning to Hunter. He wipes the drool from his mouth. "I think she's ready to train now. She's all warmed-up from our... intimate pre-training."

Hunter's fists shake, and I know he's about to explode. "Shouldn't you be out looking for a job?"

Bennett rolls his shoulders. "Oh, like you didn't have a morning wake-up call like I just did."

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