Take The Trials (Ni No Kuni)

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(Warnings/things to note since there isn't a description: A few OC's, inspired by a oneshot on AO3, Swaine x OC, Solomon being Solomon, mention of death, things getting revealed about Bri, Can this be considered AU?, characters might be OOC at some points, I had too much fun writing for Solomon, first time doing an OC oneshot, post-game.)

Summary: Oliver and the group decided to try out the Solosseum, but they end up persuading someone to take the trials instead.

Or Bri's being stubborn and they try to snap her out of it.


Oliver didn't know wether to be happy or not about going back to the Temple of Trials, but here he was with his friends to visit Solomon. Marcassin was going to come, but he was busy in Hamelin at the moment. But when they got there, they didn't expect to see this.

"Let's do something else, c'mon!"

"And hopefully this "something else" doesn't involve you beating my familiars in under five minutes..."

The group was surprised to see Bri at the Temple of Trials, mainly because she tried to avoid using magic, but also because she didn't take them for reasons unknown, at least to them.

When it was time for Oliver and Esther to take the trials, Bri said that she'll see them later and walked away.

Oliver thought he understood the reason why, but now he wasn't so sure.

Apparently the two hadn't noticed them yet; Bri with her back to them, and Solomon who was trying to think of something else for her to do. So they decided to watch and see how this would play out.

"My brain's bone dry of ideas! Can't you think of something, girl?"

"But I already thought of the last idea...now it's your turn!"

Solomon groaned. Any more thinking and he'll probably erupt like the top of Old Smoky.

But then, he got an idea. He opened his mouth to say something but-


-he tried again-

"Absolutely not."

-and again.

"Don't even think about it."

"Oi, you don't even know what I'm going to say!" He stomped his foot in frustration.

"Sure I do. And the answer's no."

Too late, the lava spilled over. "What, are you afraid of taking three little tests? You're certainly capable with what I've seen today...well, physically. Magic-wise, I wouldn't know because you haven't used any."

Bri crossed her arms. "And I don't want to know because I'm not doing it, so there."

Solomon glared at her and finally noticed the group. "Well maybe they will convince you."

Bri turned around to see the group walking towards them. "Oh, hi guys."

"Hi Bri. What are you doing here?" Oliver smiled at her. It was good to see her again.

"Aren't you supposed to be in Motorville or something?" Esther wondered if the Great Sage called her here, then remembered how much he didn't like them and brushed that thought away.

"She decided to bother me for a while since she had nothing else to do...or because I have a challenge and everything else didn't."

That was kinda true. "I did my bounty hunts for the week and had some time to kill, so I went to see my favorite Great Sage for a couple hours." She just loved this kid!

"Or she wanted to annoy me for the rest of eternity...anyway, convince Bri to take the trials, will you?"

"I'm not taking them, I tell you!"

"Is she allowed to?" Weren't only special people allowed to take them?

"You didn't know? One of her parents was a Great Sage. Jane, I think it was."

That shocked the group. "Whaaaa-?!"

"And now she's too scared to take them. How sad."

Bri faced Solomon again. "I'm not "scared" to take them, you moron! I just don't want to!"

"So you stopped using magic because of your parent's death, is that it? That you think magic killed them so you learn to fight with swords and other weapons instead? Even though you're not as good with a blade than you are with a wand?"

Silence. Then-

"I thought you wouldn't know how good I am with magic."

He scoffed. "You think I can't tell? Not with my own two eyes obviously, but I can sense it."

"Come on Bri, take the trials."

"Yes, go on!"

Oliver and Esther were throwing out encouragement and everything else, but Bri was grateful to Swaine for not pressuring her. The more she thought about it however...

Bri turned towards the group again. "Swaine, are you all right? You haven't said a word this whole time."

Everyone had their attention on him now, the encouragement stopped.

"Uh, yes I'm fine. Carry on." He waved a hand dismissively.

Bri gave him the "quit talking bullshit" look.

"Okay, fine. I...kinda liked having a non-magic user around...and it gets kinda lonely sometimes, you know, being the only one that can't use magic and all..." Was he rambling? And was his face red? She couldn't tell because he was looking away from them, at the wall.

"Just spit it out, mun, before I say it for ya!" Drippy jumped up and down.

"All right, geez! I can tell her that I like her without you spelling it out!" It took him a few seconds to process what he just said, but it was a few seconds too late.

Esther failed to keep herself in check and burst out laughing while Oliver was a bit confused.

"YOU DAMN FAIRY!" Swaine chased Drippy around while Esther continued laughing, and Oliver had a smile on his face.

Bri watched them for a bit then turned back to Solomon. "Fine, I'll take the trials. Are you happy now?"

"Very much so. You know what to do."

"Right." Bri headed towards one of the halls when Oliver thought of something.

"Wait, how's she gonna do them without a familiar?"

That got everyone's attention. Swaine finally stopped chasing Drippy who went back over to Oliver.

"I can cast spells without a wand, Oliver. I'll be fine." She had the rune for Puppet String memorized already, so she'll be okay.

"All right, good luck." Esther waved at her.

"Thanks. See you guys soon." Bri started walking again when Swaine called out, "If you pass I get a kiss!"

Bri chuckled and called over her shoulder, "Better hope I pass then!" She left the group ready to begin the trials.


(I think I did the characters okay. Let me know if I need to fix anything.

WOW. I haven't written 1k words in a long while, but I guess this is the special for reaching 1k views, huh? The oneshot I got inspired by is called Familiar Fools on AO3. Go check it out, I guess.)

Written on: April 14, 2021.

Posted in this book: June 9, 2022

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