Replacement (The Owl House)

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(First TOH OC oneshot whooo! I might do a version of this with Oliver because it needs to be talked about, like badly.

Oliver: 😟🥺)

Characters: Bri, Luz, Eda, (mentioned) Amity, (Mentioned) Gus, (mentioned) Willow. (Mentioned)

Ships: Lumity. (Mentioned)

AU: None.

Warnings: Depressed!Bri, a bit of language, angst because that's all I know how to write when it comes to OC's apparently.

Summary: Luz hasn't been spending a lot of time with Bri since she arrived at the boiling isles, and it bothers her a lot more than it should.


"Hey Luz, you wanna-"

"Sorry Bri, I've gotta go. I'm meeting Amity in the market." She waved bye and went out the door.

This has been happening for a while now. First it was when Luz wanted to learn spells from Eda when Bri was certainly capable of teaching Luz herself but "No thanks Bri, I'll wait for Eda." would happen, then she met those kids and became friends with them, THEN she made friends with AMITY of all people who she...had problems with. That's the nicest way to put it anyway.

And now she's doing it again for the fifth time this week and it's not even Friday yet.

She wasn't jealous or anything...right? In the human realm, they were the only friends they had and hung out constantly. And besides, Bri had to get Luz home.

But no, her mom was doing that too.

Damn, was there anything she could do without feeling replaced? Did Luz not like her anymore? What with this whole world to explore and new people and places to see, it would make sense that she was old news. Bri went to her room and stayed there for the rest of the day.


"Okay, I finally have a free day! What to do?"

Luz didn't have any plans for once, and her schedule was free. Maybe she could reread her Azura books...or practice magic...or something. Huh, filling up a day when you have no plans is hard. She went passed Bri's room and stopped. Oh, that's something she can do!




No response.

'Weird...she is in there, right?'

Luz tried again, hoping Bri would open it up so they could hang out.

Still nothing.

Luz was getting concerned now and tried the doorknob which thankfully wasn't locked. She opened the door.

Bri was in her bed underneath her covers. Maybe she was taking a nap?

"Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey!...Oh wait, you only like scrambled eggs."

"Why are you talking to me? Don't you have something to do?" Her voice was muffled under the covers.

Where did that come from? "Well yeah, I wanna hang out with you today!"

"Right, you probably have spells to learn with Eda and then you go off hanging out with everyone else and are too busy to even say hi. Quit lying Luz."

Okay, what is wrong with her? She's talked to Bri about her new Azura book, and the new glyph she learned yesterday...right? Or was that someone else? "I haven't been that busy. Surely I've said something to you."

Bri finally sat up. "Yeah, that you're going to Willow or Gus's or hell, even Amity's house or that you're working on a new glyph or that you're helping Eda with something. You've barely talked to me Luz. Are we not friends anymore? Are we not sisters anymore? Am I not important to you or something?"


Wow...she didn't know how to respond to that. Had she really shrugged Bri off like that? How long has this been going on for? Why hadn't she said anything sooner?

Why hadn't Luz noticed anything sooner?

"You can go now." While Luz had been processing everything, Bri had laid back down and covered herself back up since she didn't get an answer.

"...I wasn't lying, I do want to hang out with you today. I'm sorry if it seemed like I was ignoring you. I wasn't, honest. And you're still the best older sister ever."

"..." Bri stayed silent.

Maybe she did actually fall asleep, or her apology fell on deaf ears. Either way, Luz turned around to leave.


Luz turned back around to see Bri sitting up in her bed again. "You still like me?"

"Of course I do. And we never stopped being sisters either." Luz grinned at her.

"..." Bri pulled Luz into a hug-or a sort of a side hug. "I'm glad."

"Sooo...wanna go mess with Eda's potions and figure out what they do?"

"I've always wanted to do that since I got back here!" Bri let go of Luz and ran out of the room.

Luz laughed at Bri's reaction and followed her. Bri was getting better now, so they'll be okay.

Written on: June 21-22, 2022

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