Going on a what??? With her??? (Percy Jackson)

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(Lee: Tf is this???

It's the Chiron forcing Bri and ZarZar to go on a quest but with d e t a i l s. :o

Lee: Omg I'm so scared of details. -_-

Oh also introducing-!


...Zarya. See your nickname sounds better. 😀

Lee: Do you have permission to use her? 🤨

Um yes??? Chekhovs-Gun2001 owns them and gave me permission, sO NO STEAL. 😠 Anyway let's start now. 😀)

Characters: Bri, Zarya, Chiron, Dionysus, Ares (mentioned)

Ships: None.

Warning: Language because they're not standing for this shit.

Summary: Chiron gets tired of Bri and Zarya's bs so he decides to send them on a quest.


What can possibly go wrong? 😀


"Bri, I want you to go on a quest with Zarya."


I'm sorry for the French, but what the fuck did Chiron just say?

Bri's going on a quest.

With Zarya.

Who she doesn't even like and dunked her head into a toilet on their first meeting, but to be fair it was gonna be Bri's head in a toilet.


"Abso-fucking-lutely not." Zarya glared at Chiron. She would not accept help from her of all people.

Chiron sighed. This was gonna take a while. "Listen, I know you don't like each other-"

"That's an understatement." Bri glared at Zarya.

"-but this could be a good thing. You know, learning to work together and appreciating each other for your strengths and weaknesses, and maybe even becoming friends."

Of course Chiron would try to turn this whole thing into a teaching moment, but Bri wasn't in the mood for that. "So the more dangerous version of a trust fall, which would probably end up with the other getting killed since they'd be dropped a good hundred feet."

"Exac-wait what?" Chiron didn't like that analogy.

"Maybe a good two hundred feet if you don't shut up."

"Race you to the edge of camp." They both ran out the door, Bri using her vines and tripping them a couple times.

Chiron sighed and looked at Dionysus. "You're seriously enjoying this? You daughter could die."

"It's the most interesting thing that's happened this month." Realization dawned on him. "Wait. My daughter's going on a quest and you didn't tell me?"

Uhhh prayers for Chiron everyone.


(I finished this today whoooo-

Lee: It could've been longer though. :/

Oh shush.

Bri: Can I not go on a quest with them? 😠)

Started on: May 8, 2023 I think.

Finished on: July 28, 2023.

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