Missing (Hali x Taufan)

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Here is a little (slightly) angsty Hali + Taufan chapter (HaliTau I guess). Here, the elements aren't siblings but friends and are a bit older than in Galaxy (let's say 16). I know that the ship name in English for Thunderstorm and Cyclone is Thundclone or smth like that, but I'll be using their Malay names here.



Alright, hope you guys enjoy it! (Definitely not me fidgeting rn abt how nervous I was on posting this part)

Halilintar tapped his red ballpoint pen on the table where his halfway finished science exam sheet was laid. He was nervous. No, not about the exam--but about Taufan. Taufan wasn't at school yesterday and neither today; even when Hali had sent him messages to check up on him, the response from Taufan was just silence. The messages weren't even marked as read!

"Got a problem, Mr. Halilintar?" the teacher suddenly asked firmly, shaking Hali out of his worried state.

Hali looked up at the teacher and quickly sat up straight and cleared his throat. "N--no--, Mr.--" he stuttered.

Poor Hali. All the attention from the rest of the students was turned to him and he was able to hear Solar say something like "edgy dork". Hali's face turned into an intimidating scowl.

The moron! Hali thought to himself, starting to think of some type of nasty revenge for Solar.

"Good," the teacher said, turning away from shame-faced Hali. "Back to work, class. You have 10 minutes left."

10 minutes?!? Hali's mind rushed in fury as he peered down to the next question, wishing that he hadn't spent half of his time thinking about Taufan. If he failed this science test--science, his best subject,--then he would surely end up having a stern talk with his Grandfather.

The school bell rang. Students ran out in multitude, eager to get out of school and back home. Hali walked slowly, his intimidating eyes eyeing a smooth, round pebble as he kicked it till he got outside.

"So what's eating ya?" A voice from behind him said.

"Huh? Oh, hey Fang," Hali mumbled, pulling his schoolbag higher on his shoulders. "Nothing, really."

Fang gave him a small push on the head. "Yeah, right. Spit it out already."

"Well..." Hali strained, shoving Fang's glove-covered hand away.

"He's worried," Solar cut in, looking as if he appeared out of nowhere. "About a secret crush that he's telling no one about."

Hali turned to Solar, his anger seething as he remembered the name that Solar called him, an "edgy dork".

"Oh, shut up," Hali ordered Solar through clenched teeth. "Go away. You're such a smart aleck and I'm sick of it."

"Well, at least I get perfect marks," Solar boasted soothingly. "Unlike you, Mr. Grumpy--"

Before Solar could finish his sentence, Hali was able to trust Solar harshly into the trunk of a tree. Hali gripped both of Solar's shoulders tightly and made sure he was leaning firmly and couldn't get out.

"I can tell you don't care about your life, Solar," Hali hissed to Solar's face. "So go ahead. Boast on. Boast on and I'll tear you in two with my thunder blades until your puny little sunrays are gone."

"Hali..." Solar pleaded in squirming pain, "Get off...!"

"Hali, what the heck!" Fang screeched, struggling but finally managing to get his friend off Solar. Solar landed with a heavy thud on the ground, then looked at Hali dead in the eye as he brushed off the invisible dirt on his usually neat clothes.

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