Breaking Inside Part 2-The Aftermath

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Ok so as requested I made a "Breaking Inside" Part 2 to not make it complete angst and because Gemma needs a happier ending in his life even after his accident. (If you didn't read Part one yet then I suggest you go read it now, it was the 8th story in this book) 

This will have some angst (as well as some fluff at the end) and there will be a part 3 up hopefully next weekend because I wasn't able to write the entire thing this week. 

Enjoyyyyy :)

* * * 

Two more weeks passed and Gempa was finally released from the hospital. He still had to go to weekly rehab sessions to gain his strength back, he had been greatly weakened and lost a lot of weight due to the strong medications he had been taking. Not to mention the therapy sessions to cure his mental health problems.

Gempa gently sighed as he leaned his head on the car window, watching the raindrops slide down the glass. It was a rainy night that evening, and all he could make out beyond the car window was a colorful array of car lights shining amidst the darkness. He also felt drowsy and a bit dizzy, a side effect of the meds. He made a mental note that he had to take them again tonight right before he went to bed.

Tok Aba then accelerated the car harshly, sending Gempa's head ring out in a painful jab of nausea. Gempa groaned and shut his eyes.

"Tok Aba, was that really necessary?" he hoarsely whispered out, holding his head with his remaining hand.

"I'm sorry son, the car behind us was way too close and I feared he'd bump the back of the car," Tok apologized. "Are you alright? You look a bit pale."

"It's the stupid meds," Gempa complained. "Not only are they hard to swallow, but they also make me feel horrible 24/7."

Tok Aba nodded in sympathy. "Well, look on the bright side, at least they minimize the pain and stop any infections."

Gempa bit his lip. That didn't matter to him. He still felt horrible.

After a little while, Tok Aba made a turn, which turned into a sharp turn because the car slid a bit from the wet ground, almost tilting them sideways. The windshield wipers ferociously whipped back and forth, trying to get the neverending falling rain off the window.

Tok Aba gasped a bit as he tried to steady the car. "Gempa, sorry, are you oka-"

He turned to see Gempa, hand over his mouth, eyes open wide, and face ghostly white. "Stop the car." Gempa's feeble, muffled voice said.

"Ho-hold on-"

"Now!!" Gempa screamed.

Tok Aba had no other choice but to slam the brakes. As soon as he did that Gempa pushed the car door wide open and jumped out, ran to the nearest tree, and huddled over. His legs trembled and his shallow breath shook as the sickening feeling seemed to intensify. Waves of nausea whipped through his head, and he wished desperately for it to get over and done with.

His stomach contorted and did a couple of weird turns, and Gempa held on to the tree trunk for support as he felt it.

Nothing but dry wheezes and gags, though.

Tok Aba walked over to find Gempa. He placed his hand on his grandson's head for support.

"Take a deep breath, son. It's probably just anxiety."

Gempa tried to control his breathing. Anxiety? Wow, anxiety. Anxiety was the worst–

Then it came as one; hot, burning liquid reached his mouth and his head seemed to almost explode as he retched out all the revolting components of his guts. Tok Aba held his hair back and quickly ruffled through his pockets to find tissues.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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