Stargazing (Blaze x Ais)

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Sooooo technically Ais and Blaze are boyfriends in this one-----the ship name is Blice, I'm 99.99% sure.

"C'monnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, it'll be fuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnn!!" Blaze insisted, pulling his boyfriend's arm.

Blaze had suggested a date idea for him and Ais: going stargazing and sleeping under the stars as an extra treat. Ais had refused, though, he said his sleep was more valuable in his comfortable bed and that he much would have rather stayed in cuddling on the couch with Blaze. 

"Nooo," Ais groaned. "That's a crappy idea, can't we just stay in together and order pizza?"

"I'll bring extra blankets," Blaze said quickly. He really wanted to go on this date. Like, really wanted to go. Really really really. 

"Dream on, I'm still not going." Ais crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes. 

"I'll bring snaaaackks," Blaze suggested cunningly. "And we can still cuddle if you want..."

Instantly, Ais almost seemed to be drooling, literally. "Snacks? Cuddling?"

If there were snacks and cuddling, Ais was the happiest man in the world. 

"Yeaahhh..." Blaze said dreamily, to make his effect of what Ais considered 'heaven' more effective.

Ais thought for a while, then finally gave in. "Alright, you dork;" he said, rolling his eyes to hide that he was actually looking forward to it, "I'll come."

"Since when was I a dork...?" Blaze questioned in amusement. 

Ais playfully slapped his boyfriend's cheek, something he always did, then pulled him in and kissed his hot cheek. "You've always been a dork, dorkhead," he murmured, his voice muffled.

Blaze settled himself amid blankets and pillows that he had placed on top of a grassy hill that he and Ais had chosen. He set up Solar's telescope, which he swore he would keep safe for Solar to finally let him borrow it for the night. It was a clear night, no clouds in sight; and the final strands of sunlight were beginning to disappear as the night stars began to take over the sky. 

Blaze looked over to Ais, to see what he was doing, and the view made him laugh. Ais was bundled up in fluffy blankets and was sipping a thermos filled with hot cocoa. He was surrounded by a ton of snacks--chips, muffins, cinnamon rolls--you name it. Ais slurped his cocoa and noticed that his boyfriend was staring at him. 

"What?" Ais demanded, obviously annoyed. "You promised me all these snacks! And I'm not fat!"

Blaze laughed. "It's nothing, I swear!" He loved it when Ais was like this; eating and saying that he wasn't fat. And his mad adorable face of annoyance was the best part, he found it irresistibly cute. 

"If you call me fat I swear to God-"

"Ais, please. You're not fat." Blaze closed his eyes and smiled. "Look, let's enjoy the stars, see if we can find a shooting star!" 

Ais scoffed a bit, only interested in his food at the moment. "I'm busy. Call me when you're done. You promised some cuddling."

Blaze lay down and looked at the sky full of stars. There were so many; he was glad that they were far from the city lights. If he saw a shooting star, he couldn't wait to tell the others--they'd be so jealous! Or well, if they'd only believe him. Blaze always played pranks on his friends which caused them to lose their trust.

Eh, whatever. Blaze thought. At least Ais will see it with me, he matters most.

Blaze suddenly saw a brilliant star shoot across the sky, and his eyes illuminated in excitement. 

"Ais, look! Shooting star!!" Blaze cried.

"Make a wish," Ais murmured, mouth full. 

Blaze closed his eyes and made a wish. He wished for no more sickness and pain in the world, a wish that seemed beyond possibility. But he wished for it, anyway. Just in case it would actually come true. 

He opened his eyes and looked back up at the starlit sky. He glanced over to Ais, and noticed the star reflections in his eyes, making him look extra dreamy and pretty. Blaze sighed happily, a swig of tiredness suddenly overtaking him. He also became quite chilly, which sometimes happened when he got sleepy, making him shiver and look at the bundle of blankets that Ais was wrapped in. 

"You cold?" Ais pointed out, noticing Blaze's behavior. It was unusual for Blaze to get cold! 

"Yeah, kinda-" Blaze sheepishly admitted. It felt weird, being cold; he didn't really like the feeling.

Ais unwrapped his cocoon molded blankets. "C'mon in, there's room for one more."

Blaze crawled in, feeling the contact of Ais' cold body into his suddenly make him even colder. Well, Ais was a literal ice, anyway; what did he expect?

"Y-your--g-fr-freezing!!" Blaze managed to say as Ais wrapped the blankets around them snuggly-tight. 

"Just activate some of your fire, it'll combine with my ice and make us warm," Ais suggested.

Blaze did as he was told and thought 'why didn't I think of that?' It took a bit until he finally began to feel warm again. He smiled and leaned onto his boyfriend, his vision becoming blurrier as drowsiness started to overtake him again. Ais cuddled into him, just as how he'd promised, and began to rub his hand for comfort. They stayed there for a while, and Blaze took a final glance up into the starry night sky, deciding that this was the best date yet. He closed his eyes and realized that ice and fire do make the perfect combination. 

Alright, that's it for this one----again, I hope it wasn't too cheesy. 

*Awkward laughing coming from me in the background*


Also.........I'm open for requests, if anyone has any,,,,,,,,,,,,just message me,,,,


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