Nightmare (Solar x Duri)

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The art above is not mine

Umm so Solar and Duri are different people here. Duri is over at Solar's to work on a project about photosynthesis. (I know, how ironic and.....interesting.)

Duri cut out a picture of a detailed plant diagram and glued it to his and Solar's science project board, making sure that it was glued down properly and neatly because, after all, it was a picture of a plant.

Solar typed away all the information that he thought was necessary on his computer, taking occasional glances at Duri to make sure he was doing the project properly and according to plan.

"Hey Solar," Duri asked, sounding so innocent and sweet. "Do you like orchids or petunias better?"

"I think I'd go for orchids," Solar replied, not taking his eyes off the computer. "What about you?"

"Me too! I like orchids!!" Duri squeaked, giving Solar a pearly-white smile.

Solar gently chuckled. Duri was irresistibly cheerful and adorable.

They continued working on their project about 💖photosynthesis💖 until Duri started to do nod off and almost fall asleep on the project.

"Duri, I think you should get to bed," Solar suggested in slight concern.

"Yeah...but that means I have to go back home...and it's so dark outside...!" Duri complained groggily.

Solar thought for a minute. Yes, it truly was dark outside, and he...well...he wanted to avoid the dark as much as possible. He didn't dare to admit that he was scared of the dark.

"Well, you can sleep here tonight," Solar concluded. "I can make a bed for you if you'd like."

With that, Duri's puppy eyes lighted up. "Really?" he asked, sheepishly.

"Yeah, just go brush your teeth while I set it up. There are extra toothbrushes in the first drawer of the bathroom."

Duri nodded and slowly made his way to the bathroom, happy that he was going to stay the night at his favorite person's house.

The make-up bed was set. Duri snuggled in and Solar pulled the covers over his friend. He also handed Duri a stuffed bear, which earned Solar an extra grateful and beyond-adorable smile. Duri fell asleep quite quickly, and Solar blew a small kiss on him; since Duri was asleep he wouldn't have seen, so Solar was safe. Solar went back to work, dimming the lights so he wouldn't wake up the 'precious sleeping baby'.

Duri slept soundly at first. But then, the nightmares. Duri rarely had nightmares; but when he did, they were terrible. He would scream and scream until someone woke him up, and even with that; he'd be so terrified that he wouldn't go back to sleep.

The dream started off weirdly but then turned disturbing. He dreamed that venom from an unidentified plant was poisoning his friends and family. Everyone suffered except for him, and the others blamed Duri because he didn't know what the plant was and they thought that Duri was doing it on purpose. His friends and family finally died, and their spirits came back to have major revenge on him.

Duri woke up by himself, not screaming, this time, but sweating and trembling uncontrollably. The lights were all out except for a dim nightlight coming from Solar's room.

Duri carefully walked to Solar's room, staggering a bit from the ongoing fear, but knowing that he'd be safe once he got there.

"Solar?" he squeaked out, shaking sleeping Solar's shoulder. "Solar!"

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