Scenario: They dyed

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Hi everyone HOW ARE YA'LL 

(sorry now on to the oneshot)

*All 7 BBB element brothers sit down at the dining table. Taufan is sitting beside Blaze and Blaze in front of Gempa. (It's the slightest bit important to know their seating positions) 

Previously, Taufan and Blaze got themselves into trouble by trying an 'experiment' that involved permanent dye and their brothers' plain white clothes. (I know, how incredibly stupid.) All the white clothes ended up turning into colorful messes, and to try to cover it up, Blaze and Taufan stuffed them all in the drier machine. The. Drier. (WHY NOT THE WASHER???) No one has figured it out, or so they think. But the two troublemakers are super nervous because they know that if Gempa figures out, they're dead. *

All the elements, except for Gempa: *pile food into their plates and start eating*

Gempa: *sitting quietly with a dangerously calm look in his face*

Solar, breaking the silence: I got an A on my math test today.

Hali: *scoffs* Like we care, nerd.

Gempa: *shoots a "you shut up" look to Hali* That's great, Solar, I'm sure your teacher must be glad.

Solar: *nods and smiles proudly*

Ais: (looks up) Hey Gempa aren't you gonna eat?

Gempa: Oh, no, I'm fine, thank you.

Ais: Are you sure? But-

Gempa: I said I'm FINE, THANK YOU.  *Puts on the mom glare* 

Ais: Jeez, sorry...

Gempa, after long seconds of silence: *sounding menacingly calm* So, there's something that I want to talk to you all about that happened today.

*Taufan accidentally swallows his water too quickly and turns red and almost starts coughing*

Gempa: (after glancing at Taufan) So, today, when I was gonna do laundry...

Blaze: *chokes on a green bean* 

Gempa: Blaze, everything alright?

Blaze: *struggles to swallow down the green bean* Y...yes! I-I'm fine!

*Blaze and Taufan exchange terrified glances of dread* 

Gempa: As I was saying, I was gonna do laundry...and when I opened the washer, I noticed a bunch of dyed clothes and open bottles of dye. The dye stained the inside of the washer, making it an ugly green color. 

Taufan: (stuttering) U-um...m-maybe--the-the-dog did it?

Duri: (looks up with shiny puppy eyes) A DOG??? A PUPPY???? OH MY GOD REALLY THERE'S A DOG??? WHERE????

Gempa: Well, Taufan, as far as I know we have no dog here. Unless I'm going blind.

*Hali snorts*

Blaze: Well...uh...the neighbors sometimes play nasty maybe, who knows, they did it...

Gempa: (sighs) I don't think the neighbors did it, Blaze. 

*Blaze gulps*

Gempa: (sighs once again) So, any one willing to tell me who did it? Because as far as I know, someone from this household destroyed our brand new one thousand dollar washer.

Taufan: W-well--uh--

Duri: (innocently cuz he's an innocent bean) Taufan and Blaze did it, I saw them.

*Blaze and Taufan quickly turn to glare at Duri*

Gempa: (slight surprise in his eyes) Oh, well, is that so...? 

*Gempa stands up from his chair*

Taufan: Gempa--wait--we-we're sorry---we- we d-didn't mean--to-

*Gempa's glare intensifies*

Blaze: Wait, Gempa please--

All the other elements: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO--

Gempa: *puts his sleeves up* (voice super creepy) Well you guys better run cuz you're done for.

Taufan and Blaze: *get up, dishes and utensils clattering from their frenzy, and start running out of the dining room* 

Rest of the elements: EHE

Gempa: *somehow magically makes his gauntlets appear*


seconds later: 

rip taufan and blaze.

Gempa had no more mercy for them ehe--

Moral of the story: don't play with dye, kids.

And don't be stupid.


gonna go write some angst now ehe~


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