Chickens (ft. Trio troublemaker and FaKe)

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HELLO PEEPS sorry I was gone for a while I just went on a trip with my family and got back a couple of days ago and school just started this week for me but I also came down with a cold as well and I'm still a bit sick rn and I sound like a literal 5-year-old kid when I speak but ANYWAY! I'm back with another oneshot!

(sorry that was long and a bit unnecessary but whatever)

So a little back story: since it's a long weekend, Fang and Gempa (who are both dating btw) are going grocery shopping. But. But. Little do they know that the Trio Troublemaker will ruin their peaceful time while shopping...

Gempa pushed the shopping cart, watching Fang and making small talk with him. He and Fang had been shopping around for the past hour, finding food items for the upcoming week since school was back up again after the long weekend that they had. 

"Four days of a break just isn't enough," Fang said, almost complaining. He picked up two packages of apple chips. 

"Yeah, I feel the same way," Gempa sighed. He then put a serious adult look face. "But school is important. Without it, we won't be able to--"

"Yeah yeah, I get it, Gempa," Fang said, rolling his eyes as Gempa was about to give him another lecture. Although he had to admit, Gempa did look pretty cute when he put on his serious adult face. 

Gempa smiled at his boyfriend, then directed his gaze to a package of instant noodles. He picked it up and showed it to Fang. "You think we need these?" he asked. 

Fang thought for a bit. "Yeah, I don't feel like cooking at all, well, actually, I hate cooking, unless it has something to do with red carrots, of course, but either way-"

"Guess that's a yes," Gempa concluded, dropping the package into the cart and grabbing a couple more. He slowly rolled the cart toward the aisle, looking back and forth if he could find anything interesting. 

"Hey, you wanna go see a movie after this or something?" Fang asked out of the blue.

Gempa turned toward him. Fang was scratching the back of his head as if he were nervous about asking or something. Haha, cute. 

Gempa's eyes brightened. Wow, to the movies with Fang? He's never gone on a date like that yet! Of course he would!

"Yeah, uh, of course--"

A loud slam interrupted his answer and startled both Gempa and Fang. Fang looked toward the end of the aisle, only to see a man on the ground on his stomach, then quickly stand up and run toward the right. 

"What..." Gempa muttered out in wonder. Was that guy okay?

"Probably fell," Fang said. 

"Yeah, hope he's okay though," Gempa murmured, wondering if he should go see if the man was okay. But, he was out of sight, so it was too late now. 

The two kept pushing the cart across the aisle, until at the very end, Fang felt something gently fall and tickle his nose, making him sneeze loudly. The sneeze even made his glasses fall off. 

Gempa quickly picked up Fang's glasses and examined them quickly.

"Oh, crap, they're cracked," Gempa said in annoyance, looking at a small, thin crack across one of the lenses. He handed Fang his glasses. 

"It's alright, it's not that big," Fang shrugged, trying to sound unconcerned. He put them on and looked around for the thing that made him sneeze. His gaze was directed to a small, white, and tan feather on the ground. He picked it up and looked at it, turning it over and looking up at the ceiling.

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