The two sisters

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Love is probably the most complicated thing in the Nine realms and beyond. It makes you act in some stupid ways sometimes, or bravely – which is often the same. For so many centuries, she had stayed in the shadow, hiding, not daring to reveal herself or her feelings to Loki because she was certain he would not find her to his tastes.

There was a reason behind all her shyness. Well, actually, there were several. The first were her mother's remarks on her weight and her lack of grace. Freya had always regarded her as unfit and unworthy of the Freyadottir name. Whenever the Odinsons were on Vanaheim, she would send Sigyn away to her Father's or to her Uncle's, so she would not ruin the Freyadottir's perfect reputation of beauty and attractiveness.

Another reason was that through all the gossip she got to hear from her sisters and the servants, she knew she would never fit Loki's type. Beautiful, seductive, alluring, enticing, glamorous... There were not enough adjectives in the Aesir language to describe Amora and her sister Lorelei. Both were sorceresses, very talented, with spells to turn the head of the sternest men and make them fall madly in love with them, as if their looks had not been enough. Sigyn remembered looking at herself in the mirror and crying, knowing she would never be able to compete with them. There was no point even trying, it was hopeless.

Now, in this lifetime, was there any hope? Sigyn was not sure, but she knew better than her past self

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Now, in this lifetime, was there any hope? Sigyn was not sure, but she knew better than her past self. She knew that though Loki had had affairs with both sisters at some point, they did not really matter in the long run. Well, they did matter, as they turned out to be allies and frenemies, and her Prince might even have loved them. But he did not marry either of them. They were by his side only for a moment, and that was it.

Sigyn felt suddenly cruel. She had been happy to hear how both women had left him eventually, as she regarded them as unworthy of him, but that also meant he was alone... Is bad company better than no company? Or was she just bitter and jealous, wanting him all for herself, even when she was not pretty enough to ever catch his eye?

She was also a little envious of their magical prowess, mostly Amora's. The beautiful Enchantress was not only a mistress at spell casting, but she also had the power of flight (how convenient!), transmutation, paralysis, time disruption, telepathy, telekinesis, hypnosis, astral projection... She could also summon incredibly powerful force fields. And her tears were diamonds. Diamonds! Sigyn remember laughing were she heard about it, and then looking at her uncle's face, she had realized this was not a jest.

That was not fair. How come some people got to have everything while the rest of the normal people had to make do with their meek means? She felt like some second-rate goddess and magician in comparison. No wonder Loki had been interested, or rather fascinated by her... Incredible powers, beauty beyond compare and the love of the man Sigyn adored....

She felt anxiety rise inside her chest. They would cross paths in this lifetime, if she stayed by Loki's side. Even if she was prettier now than she was before, the Princess knew she would not be able to compete. There was no point even trying. She would have to let the "Amora" fling have its time, endure it, and be there for Loki once they broke up. It was all she could do, truly.

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