Death in The Family

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Kermit:After that... Well, thing. What do you want to see?


There was a moment of silence before Kermit shook his head, making Hinata sigh.


Kirishima:HELL YES!

Yang:Yeah, we should see Y/N fight.

Kermit thought for a while before looking at Y/N and talking.

Kermit:Any thing you want to see?

Y/N stayed silent for a second before talking.

Y/N:Uhh... All Might?

All Might:Yes young L/N?

Kermit shook his head and the screen showed the UA dorms.

The camera showed the UA dorms, 1-A's dorm to be exact. We see everyone standing or sitting in front of All Might while he was staring at them.


Tadano:What happened?

Komi nodded when she heard Tadano talk.

Miku:Doesn't look like something good...


Bakugo:You dumbass.

Y/N turned at Bakugo and gave him a stare, making him stop talking.

There was a moment of silence then Mina talked.

Mina:Where is Y/N, All Might?

Kirishima:Yeah! You told us you would find him.

Ozpin:Looks like he is missing.

Momo:But heroes must have find him!

Shigaraki:You are the heroes...

The UA just stayed silent.

All Might:We still don't know young Ashido...

This made Mina angry as she shouted at him.

Mina:You told us you would come back here with him! Where is he?!

Some of the students held Mina and tried to calm her down while some wrre just watching.

Jaune:Damn, she is mad.

Pyrrha:I mean, her friend is missing, you can't blame her.

Yang:Obviously more than friends.

Mina blushed upon hearing this.

Ruby:Like best friends?

Yang just sighed.

All Might looked down until he felt his phone vibrate. He took it out and read the message.

??:The news.

He took the remote, completely ignoring the shouting students and opened the news channel.

Momo:You shouldn't ignore us.

Izuku:Especially if there is-


There was just regular news until the screen started glitching, making everyone in the room turn at it.

Iida/Iida:This is definitely not normal.

Iida:That's what I'm saying!

Itsuki was starting to get a bit scared, knowing that those multiverses are about Y/N, meaning that he was the one in danger.

Reacting to (YN)'s Multiverse | Male Reader  Where stories live. Discover now