The Moon Knight

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Kermit:Before we start, I want all of you to say goodbye to Y/N. He has to go and love his universe now.

Okay, goodbyes have been said, some cried, some were happy (Bakugo). And before leaving, Y/N got some kisses on the lips, a happy day for him.

Kermit:Okay, now that he is gone. We can start!

We see desert. The sun is shining, sand is everywhere and there is a line full of mans.

Denki:Why are they lined up?

Jaune:Yea, why?

Weiss:If you two stop, we will see.

We see Shigaraki, he is looking to the line full of people. He then made a signal with his hand and all the soldiers to hire behind him started shooting to the mans, excluding Y/N.

Momo:He killed them all...

Itsuki:But Y/N is there!

Iida:Kermit said he is not a hero in every universe.

All Might:He should have saved them!

Shigaraki:An easy victory but you are not happy, why L/N?

Y/N:Maybe because I am a soldier not a BUTCHER... Or because of the heat.

Shigaraki shook his head and scoffed.

Shigaraki:You should have some bloodlust, let people fear you. Fear, is everything you can ever want. That why I am like this.

Y/N looked at his face and talked.

Y/N:If fear will make me look like you, I will pass.

Kirishima:Destroyed, absolutely destroyed.

Izuku:Isn't this a bad thing?

Dabi:Pfffft, you should be the one to fear him!

Shigaraki:I will burn you alive.

Dabi:Already burnt.

Fuutarou:Burnt? You look roasted.

Y/N looked up after hearing a sound and saw a helicopter.

Y/N:Hmmm, Fuutarou is bringing the orders.

The helicopter landed down and
Y/N approached it, having no idea that Shigaraki was following him.

Yotsuba:You know how to pilot?

Fuutarou:No I don't, that's why I'm at the back.


Y/N:Morning Fuu.

Fuutarou shook his head and talked.

Fuutarou:Not a good one. I took a quick look at Shigaraki's papers. Looks like we aren't fighting for the right side.

Y/N looked back at Shigaraki who was walking to them and talked.

Y/N:Knew it, now be quiet.

Mina:If he knew it, why didn't he stop Shigaraki!?

Pyrrha:I think he ment like, he felt that there was something wrong with him?


Todoroki:Yes but still doesn't explain why he didn't stop Shigaraki.

Aizawa:He can't blow his cover. No matter what.

Ruby:But people died!

Izuku:Yea! He should have stop him.

Bakugo:He wouldn't succeed and that would lead to more persons death.

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