chapter 5

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After talking to Theo i was super happy to know that i didn't lose him.

While i was walking through the corridors i saw draco walking towards me, i acted like i didn't see him and just continued walking.

"Oi Zabini where are you going so fast" he said stopping in front of me.

"None of your business" i said smiling sarcastically.

"So you and Theo huh?" He asked looking at me with a disgusted face.

"There's nothing between us now move" i said with an annoyed face.

"But you two kissed yesterday didn't you" and again just like yesterday he was digging his nails in my wrist.

"Even if i did what's your problem?" i asked without trying to free my wrist.
"Are you jealous Draco?" I said smirking, getting closer.

"Wha- of corse not why would I be jealous" he said making that mad/ disgusted face he always made.

"I think you are" he freed my wrist who had signs of his nails.
I started to leave because I didn't want to talk to him.

As i was getting in the great hall i went to the Hufflepuff table and sat next to Cedric "good morning ced" i said while messing up his perfectly done hair.

"Y/nnn stop this shit" he said fixing his hair.

"Ahhh ced what would I do without you" i laughed at his annoyed face.

While we were eating i saw Harry and Ron approaching us.

"Hey guys" i said smiling at them.

"Hey y/n i was wondering if you could help us with homework after class, we could ask Hermione but she's busy later" Harry said

"Of course, we can meet at the library" i said.

"Thank you y/n you saved us" Ron said while smiling and walking away.

"I gotta go ced I'll see you later i wanna know why Hermione is busy later." i said while getting up and ruffling his hair again.

I could hear him groan from a distance i would die without him.

As i was leaving the great hall i saw mione so i started going to where she was. "Good morning love" i said sitting next her "oh hi babes" she said.

"Where did you go yesterday after leaving me alone at the lake?" I said pouting.

"Oh nothing i was just planning something" she said.

Then i remembered, after saying that she smelled Ron in the amortentia she immediately ran away "YOUR PLANNING TO TELL RON" i said getting up from joy.

"Ahhh calm down don't yell, and yes i want to tell him tonight after his done with you" she said smiling proudly.

"Ohhh so that's why he asked me for help, omg I'm so excited i can't wait, you two= best couple" i said exactly.

"Oh shut up" she said blushing.
"OH SHIT y/n we have to go or we'll be late for class"

"We made it" i said looking at my watch. "Mione there's still 10 minutes left why did you say we were going to be late?." I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Becauseeeee you cal help me plan for later." She said smiling at me.

"You could have said it before"i said hitting her with a book, she just laughed.

She started to explain her plan"My plan was, after you three are done doing homework, you'll tell Ron to go in the room of requirement where i will be and you will wait outside the room in case Ron breaks my heart"she said proudly, i was shocked how well she was prepared.

" I like it 10/10" i said giving her thumbs up.

"Can Harry stay with me?" I asked

"Of course" she said

As i was about to say something i saw Malfoy and my brother coming in.

"We'll continue later,now other students are probably going to be here soon" i said looking at Malfoy.

He had a strange look on his face it wasn't anger, disgusted or hate but sadness he looked tired how did i not notice it before when we talked an hour ago, how can someone get so tired in an hour. I was staring at him with a confused look for so long that i didn't notice he was looking at me too.

After the first lesson was done mione said "remember by 7.00 pm take Ron there ok" "of course i will don't worry" i said smirking at her.

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