Chapter 7

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Salisbury, NC; August Unknown, 2017, Morning

"Are you okay?" Sophie asked, sitting next to Alex on the roof of the house under the cool early morning sun.

"Ugh," She grumbled, burying her head in her knees.

"Rough night?" Sophie asked.

"I feel like I'm dying," Alex grumbled.

"Have you tried real blood yet?" Sophie asked.

"Why would I do that?" she replied.

"Well, it's a lot healthier than that synthetic shit they've got you on now. That stuff can really clog up your arteries."

"I don't know man, so does a lot of other shit I eat, you know."

"It's really not intended for long-term consumption."

"Long term? I've only been a vampire for like... four months; out of a couple hundred years that certainly doesn't seem long term."

"It really isn't good for you."

"I can't!" Alex shouted, cringing away in remorse. "It feels...wrong...unnatural...just...gross."

"But it isn't," ze said.

"I don't..." "care what's true!' "I just...can't."

Sophie looked disheartened, not sure how to help.

" Comet found Ratis' signature. We've gotta go." Emma shouted up to them from the backyard.

"Rati? I thought Charles arrested him." Alex asked, shocked, looking up at Sophie in confusion.

Ze looked apologetic. "When Comet called Charles last night to tell him you'd run off...Rati pulled out an amplifier and used it to teleport away," ze said, distressed.

"Great. so, he got away and it's my fault." Alex moaned, curling up into a ball.

"fuck up!'

Ze sighed. "That may be true, but now we've gotta go find him again. So, get up, put on some shoes, and let's go." Sophie cheered, standing up carefully and clapping zir hands together.

Alex sighed. "Fine."


Salisbury, NC; August Unknown, 2017, Morning

They pulled up in front of a secluded park, next to a basketball court with a baseball field and a series of metal baskets traveling all along a dirt trail.

"He's gonna see us coming. We can't get close enough." Charles said.

"I'll get his attention and lead him towards that creek. You two use the tree line to sneak around and get close enough to use your Teslas." Sophie said.

"Alright." They both agreed.

"Alex, can you keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't see me?" Emma asked.

"Yeah," Alex replied.

"Alright, me first," Sophie said, slipping out of the car and closing the door quietly. Ze turned into a fox and slowly crept closer to Rati while Comet and Charles snuck out of the car and disappeared behind the trees.

Alex and Emma watched as Sophie launched zirself off the ground and at Ratis head. Ze knocked him off his feet but he was able to throw zir onto the ground. Ze landed safely, turned back into a human, and began throwing punches. He seemed unprepared, dropping the metal device he'd been using.

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