Chapter 11

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Unknown; September 6th, 2017, Night

"Don't!" Andrew's voice rang through the stillness at the moment, but it was too late, the sharp, teeth-grating, buzz of the Tesla scraped viciously against her ears and then her nerves.

Adrian stepped out of the way and the bolt of electricity slammed into her...into them.

Her physical body was thrown to the ground as a scream was ripped from her lungs.

Chaos erupted; a cacophony of noise sprang from every direction.

There was a shout and an array of voices all called out the same name.

"Andrew!" the voices cried.

Alexs eyes snapped back to the screen in front of her.

Andrew was sprawled out on the ground. She turned, looking for her other friends; her heart sunk.

Adrian held up his hand, a deep white barrier trapping the six of them in a magical globed barrier. Paige was banging against the wall, desperately trying to get to her brother.

"Alex!" Emma shouted.

"Help!" Sophie cried.

"Wake up!" Comet begged one arm wrapped around Charles waist, supporting him.

'I want to! But there's nothing I can do! I don't know what's happening! I don't know how to fight her!' Alex choked. 'I can't do it; I can't do anything!' she cried, regret and disappointment seeping through her words. 'I can't do this. They should have found somebody else to do this. I'm useless. What good could I do?'

"Alex~!" Andrew cried.

Lorna was standing above him, a thin dagger with a rounded blade in her right hand and fear in her eyes.

'I...I...don't know what to do.' Alex groaned, falling to her knees as she felt her heart breaking. 'I don't know what to do. I can't save them.'

'yes, you can.'

Alex shot up, turning around quickly as the familiar voice rang softly from behind her.

'Who are you?' Alex asked, looking the source of that voice in the eyes for the first time.

She wasn't much younger than her. She looked to be about fourteen or fifteen years old, her long brown hair was tied back in a loose ponytail. She wore a long gown made from heavy brown fabric with purple trim and a purple shift and petticoat.

'My name is Leila, and I'm you.'

The world fell deathly silent and time slowed to a stop.

''re Leila? The...the l-last Lilitun? How is that possible?' Alex asked. 'H-how are you here?'

'When Henry saved us he had to destroy our structure to turn off our magical genes. He split our soul into three different pieces. One of us got to live out there, as the primary identity. While myself and our other piece became stuck here.'

''re telling me...that I...I really was...Leila? That...person...out there...he's telling the truth?' Alex asked. 'How is that even possible?'

She hissed through her teeth. 'Reincarnation is...a tricky concept to explain. Matter doesn't die, it soaks into the earth and scatters to the stars. But once matter has occupied the same space they tend to be drawn back together. They become new things all over again. I was a tree once, Millions of years ago. I wasn't me at the time, I wasn't sentient, the way I am now. But I can still remember how it felt, to make my needles grow. There were others there too. Others who shared in our duties, to help us grow tall and strong. When we died as Leila we went on to become other things. It took us a while to be born human again. When we did, we had' she explained.

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