Chapter 10

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Unknown; September 6th, 2017, Early Morning

"Iskandar, I am truly pleased that you have decided to join us, of your own free will. It means so much to me that you would be eager to help our cause." Lorna said, lounging back on her throne, her skin a sickly shade of yellow.

Alex was kneeling down in front of her, struggling to pull in air and fight back the instinct to vomit. "You're command," she gasped. "threatened to kill my friends."

There was a sharp gasp from the corner of the room, when she glanced back Alex saw Freya, a look of shock paling her features.

"I came here to protect my friends," she growled. "not to help you."

"Perhaps you'll change your mind, once you know the whole story," Lorna replied, a shallow rasp to her voice.

'Maybe,' "doubt it,' "This can't actually be happening?'

Alex looked at her, struggling to draw in the energy to stand. "Fine, why not," she said, letting herself flop to the floor, she had a feeling this would take a while.

"It all started a long time ago. My mother was a sweet water pixie. She loved the Sapiens and preached peace. She was so convinced that they could be trusted that she married my father, convinced that once he loved her enough he would come to see the beauty in our heritage. After five years together she was sure it was time, and he was loyal to her and deserved to know what she was. So she told him, and then he dragged her to the center of town and told everyone what she was. And they set her on fire.

He told me I was lucky he let me live, at four years old that he should have burned me with her, but I was his blood too.

He dragged me across the Atlantic Ocean when I was thirteen, and then forced me into indentured servitude to pay off his debts to some...tobacco plantation owner three years later.

I was a housemaid to that bastard's spiteful wife for two years. Two years of harassment, and shaming. She treated me like dirt. Heathen was the nicest slur she called me.

But nothing she did to me was anywhere near as bad as what they did to 'April'. They never even gave her the simple respect of calling her by her gods' given name.

She was the greatest human I ever met, and the best friend I could have ever had.

A high priestess for fucks sake! and they had her washing their soiled linens! In the end, it didn't even matter what she was, where she came from was all the excuse they needed to beat the love of their 'god' into her. She was a Jengu, healing was her gift, but even she couldn't recover from what they did to her.

With every passing generation, there was always something to fight about, something to start a war over. And with every passing generation, their morals and ideals became even more secretive.

Your mentors have convinced you we want to murder all the sapiens. But that simply isn't the plan." she said

"Then what is?" Alex asked.

"We just want to get rid of the ones whose hearts have become corrupted with rage."

"Well that's too bad, there's no way you'll be able to get to Andrew again," Alex said.

Lorna stared at her for a moment, a shocked expression smoothing out the fine lines on her face. "You didn't know? Why did you think we'd chosen this island in the first place? There was a Sideris here, and you led her right to us" She said.





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