Chapter 8

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Salisbury, NC; September 4th, 2017, Morning

The next morning Alex was in the basement when she heard a familiar ringing sound playing through the house. She followed the sound all the way to the entrance room, to a little white box that had been mounted on the wall.

It was a doorbell.

"Hello," Andrew said, smiling when she opened the front door.

"Andy dear, is this the young vampire you and that furry friend of yours were tellin' me about?" the woman beside him spoke with a heavier southern drawl. She was a tall woman with tight golden blond curls, a vast array of freckles, and warm brown eyes. "I'm sorry honey," She said, "My name is Elizabeth Smith, I'm Andrew's mother." She continued with a smile and a tilt of her head.

"Um...nice to meet you, ma'am," Alex replied. "Would you like to come in?"

"That'd be lovely." She said, smiling as they followed her into the house.

"Andrew, good morning," Sophie said cheerily, meeting them in the dining room, a pink cup full of steaming coffee wrapped in one hand. "There's coffee if you'd both like a cup."

"Yes, please, that'd be delightful." Andrew's mother smiled.

"No thank you, I'm not much of a coffee drinker," Andrew answered.

"I've got a couple of cans of tea if you would like one." Alex offered.

"I would love one, thank you." He smiled.

Alex went into the kitchen and grabbed one of the cans from the fridge, helping Sophie as ze carried a tray of coffee and creamer into the dining room.

"Thanks." they both smiled, accepting the drinks.

"So, my son tells me you three are trying to bring down the Destroyers of Man. That's a hell of a task for three growing youths." Elizabeth said, gently.

"The Destroyers are after Alex. Having her help fight them is safer than hiding her away and running the risk of them finding out where she is and attacking while she's defenseless. At least this way, she can stay alert." Comet said, walking out of the first-floor bedroom, ruffling a hand through their messy hair.

"Good morning," Alex said.

"Good morning," they replied. "Are the others still asleep?"

"Charles is," Sophie answered.

"And Emma?"

"She's in the shower," Alex added.

"So, what's your plan for my son and me?" Elizabeth asked.

"Well, all we know is that they need the blood from one of you," Comet said, sitting down and pouring themself a cup of coffee.

"What are you gonna do to protect my son and me?" Ms. Smith drawled

"We'll go over to your house, and set up some protective barriers, and we'll stay with you two, with our Tesla guns fully charged at all times," they replied.

"My first day of school is tomorrow, am I allowed to go to pick up my syllabi and agenda?" Andrew asked.

"Sure," Comet said. "I'll drive you there. Is it a Class B school?"

"Yeah," Andrew replied.

"Alright, then I'll talk to the principal, see if they'll let me shadow you."

"So we've got to keep you two safe. And we have the artifact that Lorna's after in a box we haven't been able to open," they explained. "That just leaves Alims descendants, I'll call the Foundation today and see if they have found us any leads."

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