The Plane Ride

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I was the first to get to the plane and find my favorite spot, layed back on one of the couches. Slowly everyone else boarded the plane, all surrounding the seats around me. Merritt lifted my head up and sat down before laying my head on his lap. Henely and Jack sat across from us with Arthur and his assistant. And Daniel sat at the lonely seat by the couch. But as always Daniel had to ruin the peace...

"You know your mentalism can't really be all that hard, it's just body language and lucky guessing" He looked at Merritt and I both, knowing we both could do it.

"Your existence is lucky guessing, the doctor made an un lucky guess delivering you" I smiled innocently at him.

"If it's so easy, you try it. Do Henely." Merritt just smirked at Daniel, he knew this was going down hill.

"No Henely is too easy, Let me do Jessica" I slowly sat up, no completely interested

"Deal if you can read me I owe you twenty bucks, if you cant...vice versa" I got twenty bucks as did he and we took Henely and Jack's seats as they took ours. Everyone gathered close to us to see how well Daniel would do.

"Okay I'm seeing... a happy family, a mom, a dad, and two children, a son and a daughter..." As he said that the whole plane deflated, everyone knew my life story as through out my whole life I've always been involved with the media, seeing as I was the last found member of the Shrike family. Daniel knew about this, he was obviously going for low blows and acting innocent about it.

"Very wealthy family, good in health. Your brothers name was...Austin??" By time he finished I had slapped him across the face, tears in my eyes. "My father and mother are dead, my father to a magic trick and my mother died giving birth to me...and you know that. My brother's name is Dylan...which you also know" I got up and stormed into the plane bathroom, letting the tears fall.

I stood there for a few minutes before I heard the door open and Merritt squeezed his way in, he took a second to adjust and wipe my tears away. "God these things are small...Anyway hey cutie don't listen to him, he's being an asshole and you don't deserve it. I know this is hardly the place or the time but I'm desperate to help you feel better so when we arrive to the apartment, come to my room, we need to talk." And with that he was gone like he came. I barely remembered the fact that we fixed up the apartment and everyone had a room to themselves.

I refused to leave the bathroom for the rest of the plane ride, only coming out briefly to buckle up so the plane could land. the second we were able to leave I bolted, got on my bike, and went straight to the apartment.

I went to my room and changed into some tight black leggings and a tight black long sleeved crop top with some plain black sneakers. I went back to the living room and sat on the couch. I wanted to enjoy the last bit of piece of peace before the rest of them got back. and right as I got comfy...they came in all talking and laughing. They all stopped as they saw me.

"Well don't be so skittish, it's just me, parentless, brotherless, talentless, Jessica Shrike." I stood up and grabbed Merritt before dragging him to his room.

"Spill, what did-" Before I could even continue there was a pair of lips on mine, it took me a minute to realize what was happening before I slowly melted into the kiss. I wrapped my arms around Merritt's neck, trying to pull him impossibly closer. After a couple minutes, we pulled away out of breath, him holding by my waist and me holding him by his neck.

"This whole flirtatious thing isn't working for me, I want so much more so... Will you be my girlfriend Jessica Lynn Shrike?"


















"Yes Merritt McKinney, I will be your girlfriend"

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