The Right Address

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"I could've sworn Bose gave me the right address" Juliana says to herself as she checks phone and the address that was given.

She had something major to tell her girlfriend and it couldn't wait another day. So when she called Bose for Chapa's house address, she knew that she could get the chance to talk to her and apologize that same day. There was no sense in waiting for a mission or another school day to come up that would give them less time to talk. "Let's be honest, he probably didn't give me the right address" She said.

"Why am I talking to myself?" Julie questioned herself.

The door opens and Juliana shoved her phone in her back pocket and wiped her hands down on her shirt.

She was met by an older woman with long brown hair with slight highlights. "Uh, Hi. Does Chapa De Silva live here?" Julie asked. "She does. And you are?" The woman, Lydia De Silva, answered. "Good. I got the right address" Julie sighed. "But uh, I'm one of her classmates from school" The brown long curly haired girl said.

"I'm Juliana!" She held out her hand for the woman to shake.

"Oh... so you're the one she talks so much about?" Lydia slightly smiles as they both shook hands. "She talks about me?" Julie smiled. "All the time. It's kind of concerning" Lydia says, half joking. "Ha." Julie pressed her lips together and nods as Lydia lets her in. "LULA!" Lydia yelled in order to get her daughter to come downstairs.

"I'M BUSY!" Chapa yelled back.

Lydia rolls her eyes and huffs. She turns to Juliana and apologizes. Juliana shook her head and smiled. "It's no problem" Julie said. "Dallas. Go get your sister" Lydia says to her son when the younger boy leaves the kitchen. "Sure" Dallas nods before going upstairs. "You guys have a lovely home" Juliana said as she looks around.

"Thank you, dear" Lydia smiled.


Dallas knocks on Chapa's bedroom door and waits.

"What part of I'm busy do you people not understand?!" Chapa groans as she rolls out of bed and goes to open the door. "What?" Chapa questions, looking down at her brother. "Mom said come downstairs" Dallas told her. "Just tell her that I'm the shower or something" Chapa suggests. "Fine" Dallas shrugs.

"I'll just tell that pretty girl that you're in the shower too. I'm sure she'll understand".

"Girl?" Chapa questions.

"Yeah. Curly hair. Kind of tall?" Dallas said. Chapa smiled. "Julie!" Her eyes lit up. "That got your attention" Dallas scoffs. He watched his older sister rush down the stairs before going into his bedroom. Chapa stops at the last step of the staircase and tilts her head.

"Hey" Chapa grins.

"Hey" Juliana waved.

"What're you- what're you doing here?" Chapa asked, confused. "Uh, Bose gave me your address, I hope that was cool" Julie said. Chapa nods her head. "Yeah, it's fine" she says. "Can we talk?" Julie asked. "Yeah. Let's go in my room" Chapa said as she held out her hand for Julie to grab.

They were about to head upstairs when Lydia stops them by her statement made for her daughter.

"Ella es parte de esa cosa? (Is she part of that thing?)" Lydia asked in Spanish.

"Dios, mamá! (God, Mom!)" Chapa groans. "Es ella? (Is she?)" The woman asked. "Es solo una amiga de la escuela! Puedes relajarte? (She's just a friend from school! Can you relax?)" Chapa answered as Julie messed with her bracelets. "Espera- dijiste algo? (Wait- Did you say something?)" Chapa asked, protectively.

Julie placed a hand on Chapa's shoulder and Chapa turns her fully attention to her. "Hey. I- I can leave if you want. We can just talk some other time" Juliana says. She felt like they were in the middle of an argument and didn't want to make things worse or awkward by being there. "No. No, you're fine" Chapa reassured her.

"I really don't want to be a bother, Chapa" Julie said. "Hey, you're not a bother. It's fine. I was just asking my mom about dinner and stuff, that's it" Chapa lied. "...yeah, okay" Julie nodded. Chapa looks at her mother and pressed her lips together. "We'll be in my room" She says. "With the door open" Lydia said.

"It'll be cracked, okay?" Chapa told her. Lydia raised a brow as she turns around and heads inside the living room. Chapa let's out a sigh and gave her girl a slight smile. "Sorry" She gave her an apologetic look. Juliana shook her head. "You're good" She said.

Chapa hummed and grabs her hand as they go upstairs and into her room, with her door halfway open.


"You know now that I'm realizing it, you never talk much about your mom" Chapa says as her head rested on Juliana's stomach as they talked in her bed.

"That's because there was nothing to talk about" Julie replied.

"She left us with my dad and that was that" Juliana said. "She left me alone without a mother figure and I had to learn certain things on my own. I mean, dad was there but I don't know, it just still wasn't enough". "Yeah" Chapa nods. "She didn't want us, so she left" Juliana says.

Chapa turns her head and looks up at Julie, grabbing her hand in the process.

"You don't know that" She said, hurt by the words that left her lover's lips.

"But I do! If she wanted us so badly why did she leave?" Julie said pressing her lips together. She raised her shoulders before letting them drop again. "Maybe... Maybe she couldn't provide for you guys the way she wanted to which lead her to leaving? She was probably still young, you know?" Chapa said.

"What... what did your dad say about it? The situation with your mom" She asked. "Besides the fact that she randomly came to the Mans Nest and told him that she's back in town for good? Nothing" Julie said. "The lady that Bose and Miles saw who was looking for Ray early today?" Chapa asked. "Yep" Juliana answered. Silence filled the room with the TVs low volume as background noise.

Chapa messed with Julie's hand, simply enjoying her company like she always does.

"I'm sorry for leaving you alone on our date. For the way I talked and ran out on you. I shouldn't have done that" Juliana apologized.

"It's fine. I get it you had things to deal with" Chapa responded. Julie hums and Chapa sits up, still holding onto Julie's hand. "I'm glad you told me" The short brown haired girl said. "Yeah, me too" Juliana said. "Do you plan on meeting her?" Chapa asked, playing with Juliana's hair.

"I...I haven't really thought about it. Part of me wants to and part of me doesn't, you know?" Julie stated. "That's understandable" Chapa says. "It's complicated and I don't know how to feel about everything that's going on" Juliana admits. Chapa kissed her cheek and rested her head on her girlfriend's shoulder.

"You'll figure it out, you always do".

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