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Yandere Afton ig? Indirect mention of Chloroform. Also Henry disliking William has no relation to the murders. Read on to find out why.

Henry's POV

Third person 

8:47 pm 

Henry walked out the door, he was getting in his car when he heard an all too familiar voice. "Hello, Henry~ Going out I suppose?~" A cold metal was pressed against his jawline. "W-Will?!" "You're quite right, love." A damp cloth was pressed against Henry's mouth, suffocating and putting him to sleep. 

William's POV 

Third person

Next day

2:40 am

William was sitting in a chair, across from a tied up and gagged Henry Emily. Henry began to stir. "Awake, my dear Henry?~" William said, getting up and holding his face in his hands, "MMPH!" "Ah yes, sorry." He removed the balled up cloth from Henry's mouth. "What the hell Will?!" Henry immediately screamed. William rushed behind him and half-slapped a hand over Henry's mouth. "Shhh!~ Can't have anyone know you're down here, Hen.~" William said, looking down at Henry. Henry looked up at him with mixed emotions. "Mmmpghp!" William removed his hand. "D-Down where?" He asked, not bothering to struggle against the ropes that bound him to the chair. "Nowhere important.." William paused to think. "Oh yes! You must be starving Hen!~ Wait here," He paused then laughed at himself. "Not like you could go anywhere." He said under his breath. "I'll go get you something, a sandwich maybe? Or maybe a small cup of tea to keep you awake for now." He paused at the top of the stairs. "I'll get both!" William walked briskly up the stairs. He prepared a sandwich and began to boil a pot of water. He added sugar, not too much, two tea bags, and a bit of honey. I hope Henry's happy with this! William thought after stirring the mixture. He poured some of it into a cup a random cup he found in the cabinet and carried both of the items down, being careful not to drop them. 

William pulled a table infront of Henry and set the sandwich and tea down. A few moments passed. "Oh!~ Sorry, Henry!~" He untied his hands. Henry moved his wrists around for a few seconds then looked at the food. "You didn't put anything in it, right, Will?" Henry asked, cautiously eyeing the sandwich. "Nothing but a bit of honey in the tea!~" William replied, pulling a chair across from Henry. "Go on, it's not like I poisoned it or something Hen." He pushed the sandwich forwards slightly. Henry picked it up, went through it, and took a small bite. "Hm." He muttered. He took a sip of the tea. "Will?" Please don't ask why Henry. Please. "I would like some more of that tea at work,it's actually quite good." William was ecstatic at that. "Oh! Y-You like like it? Sorry, I was just thinking about something, I'll have some more made for later if you want." William replied. "What were you thinking about?" Henry asked. William hesitated before replying. "You~ And how amazing you're sure to taste, Henry.~" Henry's face went pale. "Y-You!?" Henry choked out. "Yes, my beloved friend, I'm in love with you, so, so. In love with you!" Henry looked away. "That's not an excuse for kidnapping your fucking best friend." Henry said, a cold look on his face. "I guess you're right, Henry." William replied, pulling his chair out and untying his ankles. He stayed on that spot for a moment, admiring Henry from below. "Y'know, I'm in the exact position your wife should be every other night." William whispered, putting his hands on Henry's thighs. Henry tensed up. He's so cute! (I can feel his heart racing! About time we had a brand new plaything!) William rubbed in wide circles, making Henry's thighs harden. (Tense up even more) "Will..?" William didn't answer. William stopped. "No, no, no.. I must have your permission, Henry. Wouldn't want to force you." He said, getting up. William sat on the table, making sure to avoid the food and drink. "Well you're not getting it." Henry said coldly. William sighed. "You can get up, Henry, just, please, don't leave?" Henry nodded then got up. "This is your basement, isn't it?" William nodded. "Ah." He walked over to a desk, piled with sketches of various things, some even of him. "These are," Henry paused. "Brilliant?" William said, walking behind him and wrapping his arms around Henry's waist. You smell really good, Henry. "Yeah, I mean, could you get off of me?" William didn't move. "Please, Will? It's hard to concentrate." William shifted his grip, a hand right over Henry's crotch but not touching it. "Can I, Hen?" Henry shoved William off of him. "Stop that!" William took a sharp intake of breath. "Henry I'm in love with you!" William half-yelled. The basement was semi-soundproof. Only a bit of leftover foam around the door frame and cracks in the concrete walls. None in the ceiling though. "Well I'm not, William! Just get it! Isabel and Charlie are probably sobbing their eyes out by now!" Henry cried out, tears rushing to fill his eyes. William stepped closer and wrapped his arms around Henry's face, pulling him into a kiss. "MMPH! WHAT THE FUCK WILL?!" Henry screamed, causing the smallest amount of dust to fall from the ceiling. Henry ran towards the stairs, well aware of William right behind him. "Henry, I-I-I love you, p-please at least say y-you feel the same, you don't h-have to mean i-it. Just say it." William stammered, his voice cracking repeatedly. "Afton-" "NO! D-Don't call me that, please, it hurts." William clutched his chest for emphasis. "William," Henry paused, than made a run out of the house. William screamed. He screamed until his throat went raw. 

   "Henry, please, just. Don't leave me. Please, I'll do anything." William sobbed. 

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