..too many drafts...I've got too many for my own good..

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     Henry sighed, now realizing that only minutes ago he had signed the contract.

"So, what'll it be? Your soul for your sister's well-being?"

Henry had foolishly nodded, taking the fountain pen and signing the scroll with scrawled-down cursive.

"Good. Now that that's agreed on, we can begin?"

The man looked up at the demon, confused.

"Oh darling, you didn't read through it, did you? Not only do I get your soul, but I also get you."

Henry stammered, babbling flabbergasted nonsense as the man snapped his fingers. They were in a living room of sorts, warm and comfortable with velvet furniture and thick rugs. He tried to stand, to explore, perhaps, but a thick leather collar hindered him.


Henry grasped at the object, fingers slipping over the material with no purchase.

"Don't even try, dear,"

He looked up, eyes half-lidded as he stared at the man sitting before him.

"That's right, you're mine now, Henry,"

     Henry huffed, deciding to just lay down at the man's feet. "Good boy," He cringed, almost disgusted. "What, can't take a compliment? And here I was thinking a human would crumble like a biscuit for me. Hm, guess I was wrong." Henry glared up at the man, only now remembering that he had no clue who he was. "What's..what's your name?" He questioned, not moving from his oddly comfortable spot on the carpet. "William, my dear," The Brit mumbled, pulling Henry up into a sitting position. "Ow! That hurts, y'know! It's not exactly the best feeling in the world to be yanked like that!" William chuckled darkly, his lips twisted into a devilish grin. "I do believe you'll find yourself contradicting your own words later, Henry," The man shuddered, it was something about the way he said his name. It sent sparks along his spine, made heat pool in his stomach. No. He couldn't. No matter how soft the velvet on his loveseats were, or how pretty the crystals decorating nearly every surface were.

"Darling, I'm talking to you,"

     Henry snapped his head up. "W-what? Oh, sorry, zoned out for a second," "It's alright. I was asking how you felt about sleeping with me?" Henry blinked, chuckling nervously. "You really think I'm gonna just-just sleep with you of all people?!" Henry made another attempt to stand, but William's dress shoe came down on his hand swiftly. "A-And that! What kind of person are you to think that any sane person would sleep with you?" Henry hissed, grasping at the collar. His nails dug into the skin below, fingers practically tearing the skin open. "Stop that, Emily, it's no use," William scolded, standing and taking Henry's chain in hand. He led-no, dragged him to another room, tossing him in and shutting the door, locking it. "You can come out when you'll act better, alright?" Henry didn't respond. Instead, he looked around, nearly gagging at his surroundings. It was a child's room, toys littered the floor while a queen sized bed was in the corner, adorned in colorful sheets. Henry sighed, reaching for a toy car. It lit up, almost scaring him. He held it close, observing the screws and external mechanics. He looked around, luckily finding a tiny screwdriver in a kit. Henry took the car apart. It took a while, but eventually he got it down to it's barest form. Henry lay in the bed reluctantly, figuring he might as well get some rest.

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