"Uncle William!!"

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Don't ask me what this is. I'm typing on a phone so possible mistakes.

10:00 am

Henry's house

William's pov

William unlocked the door. Henry was away with Charlie and William knew he wouldn't be home for a while. William shut and locked the door, creeping up the stairs to Henry's bedroom and opening the door. He stepped in and took a deep breath. Emily smells amazing. I wonder what shampoo he uses? William thought, tempted to step into the bathroom to find out. He decided not to. William took his shirt off and slipped under the plaid blanket Henry used as a bedspread. No-one to insist on white linen. William thought as he did so.

"Charlotte! Get over here now." Henry called his daughter to his side. He unlocked, opened the door and froze. "What's wrong, Papa?" Charlie asked, tilting her head. "Charlotte, go to your room. Now." Henry said, stepping lightly. "And make sure to be quiet when you go up the stairs." Henry said, grasping a chair and stepping up the stairs, making sure to avoid the creaky steps. Henry looked at his doorknob, turning it slowly and raising the chair.



"Uncle William!"

Charlie rushed through the doorway, throwing her arms open and laughing. "Hi Charlie!" William forced a laugh. "Up! Up!" Charlie cheered, bouncing at the edge of the bed. "Charlie, Uncle William's a bit sick right now. Sorry." William chuckled sheepishly. "Charlotte, why don't you go play with Theodore?" "Okay!" Charlie walked off to her room. Henry sat on the edge of the bed, facing William. "Why and how are you here?" He asked, slightly glaring. "How, You gave me a key and said I was welcome anytime." "You know well I meant when I was home." Henry glared, a blank expression painted on his face. "And as for why," Afton paused to sit up. "I wanna cuddle." "You're shirtless. No." "Why not?" "I don't cuddle with shirtless men named William Afton who break in-" "Not a break in." "Into peoples houses just to cuddle." "Henryyyyy!" William whined and got up, wrapping his arms around the shorter Brit and picking him up. "William Afton." "Henry Emily. Who is so beautiful and lovely and kind." William nuzzled Emily's neck repeatedly. "Okay okay, I get it Will. You love me." Henry said, laughing and smiling. "I thought Uncle William was sick! You lied Papa!" William froze, Henry did the same. Charlie was standing in the doorway, arms crossed. "I am, I am. Henry just wanted to make me feel better." William bluffed, setting him on the bed and sitting next to him. "Why is Uncle William shirtless? Were you too doing what mummy and Papa did?" Charlie asked, tilting her head to empathize the question. "Hen?" "Do not ask me how she knows that, Will." Henry stared concerningly at Charlie. "How about you go back to what you were doing, huh?" Henry said, nudging her out and shutting the door. William was laying down, his arms open and inviting. Henry lay on top of William and leaned into his neck. "Let's get this off, no?" William said, attempting a horrible Russian accent while he unbuttoned Henry's shirt. "William, I thought we talked about this. No sex while Charlie's here." Henry warned as he buttoned his shirt back. "Alright." William muttered as he pulled Henry back onto him. "Goodnight." "It's twelve." "So?" Henry didn't answer.

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