Blood Slicked Cement

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Henry huffed, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers. "Goddamnit, Will," He mumbled, crossing his arms and debating whether he should go after him or not. "Why the hell do you always run off?" Henry shouted, despite him being the only one in the apartment. He slammed his fist on the counter, the Italian marble not budging under his hand. "Fuck!" He yelled, not because of the pain, but because of the feeling as if he wanted to cry. His face felt like it was on fire. Beads of sweat on his forehead as his hand began to fade red and ache like hell. Henry took a deep breath, letting his chest rise and hand collapse to his side, fist falling apart. He leaned on the counter, the cool material soothing his hot skin as he felt his fury melt like butter in the sun. His hand still burned, of course, but he felt better. Less...pent up, he thought. Henry chuckled, grabbing his keys from the door side table and walking out.


William sighed, turning in a pirouette as he gazed at all the familiar sights. "Really brings back memories, doesn't it?" Glitch smiled, or, William could see the thing smiling in his head. "Yeah, it does," The Brit mumbled, smiling stupidly and sliding into a booth.

"Uh, Sir, you're going to have to pay if you want to go in,"

William perked up, staring at the teenage girl before him.

"Why? I used to own this place! Well, sort of, co-owned, if you will."

She tilted her head, chewing what William assumed was gum.

His thin figure towered over the girl. "Me personally," He paused to grin widely, cracking his fingers one by one. "I think that, as a former founder of this establishment, I should be let through for free, don't you?" William grinned, leaning against a case containing several old things such as the prizes from the prize counter. "Sir please don't lean on that," William laughed. "You really expect me to listen to a 5'2 girl with nothing better to do than harass a child serial killer?" His voice went soft at the end, a whisper now. "Well, I'm not. So you can run along now and go text all your friends while I get a much-needed dose of nostalgia, you got that?" She quirked her lips, tapping her foot. "Oh my fucking God here!" William took a twenty out and handed it to her, gleefully smiling as she walked away. "You could've told me to, y'know. It hurts immensely when you take control." William muttered, walking into a less crowded space and smiling. He perked up, ears tuning into a nearby announcement.

"And here, is where it all went down!"

A loud woman boomed, arm gesturing to the arcade room. William strode over, tapping the woman on the shoulder. "Oh, Hi! Do you need something?" William chuckled with a friendly tone. "No, I just wanted to comment on something," He spoke, pausing to glance into the arcade area. "Well then comment away, sir!"

"You're wrong." He whispered, a grin filled with malice plastered on his face as he tilted his head. "You see," He pivoted towards a wall, running his sallow hands slowly along the yellowed drywall, looking for something. "If you'd look over here," He announced, baring his teeth in a wide smile and digging his finger in a dust-covered notch in the wall. "You'd find ou-"


William froze, his sneer faltering.

"Get your fuckin' ass right here, now." Henry stomped a foot into the floor, a finger deftly pointing at the linoleum.

"Hudson! Hey! How's my favourite person in the world doing?" William left the wall, striding over quickly to envelope Henry in a soft hug. Everyone seemed to forget about the situation, leaving William free to play his little charm on the man in his arms. "Fuck you." "Oh I think you'd love to when we get back," William pulled away, slinging an arm around Henry's shoulders and subtly pulling him out. The two left, Henry's grip on William's wrist loosening only to shove him in the passenger seat. William tapped the console, waiting for him to get in as well. He did, slamming the door shut and letting out a loud groan as his head hit the seat heavily.

"Why the fuck can't you listen to me?"

He spoke, hand drifting to the wheel but dropping soon after his fingers brushed the leather. "I shouldn't have to, I'm almost a century old, Hen," William crossed his arms, turning away from Henry and staring out the window. "And yet you couldn't be more childish," Henry chuckled, a grin on his face as he pulled out of the parking lot. "You're acting like [___]," Afton mumbled, curling up like a teenager denied a party outing. "Will you stop acting like Michael?" Henry huffed, glaring at the man beside him. William didn't respond, seemingly shook. "In all honesty," He paused, swallowing hard. "I forgot he ever existed," William blinked once, sitting up and tapping the console yet again. "Where to now?" He smiled, leaning his chin on his elbow and gazing at Henry. "Uh..Home, I guess." The dirty-blonde said, his eyebrows furrowed in what might have been confusion. "I'm hungry, let's stop at that one chicken place!" Henry glanced at William, letting out a nervous laugh. "Will, you hate chicken." William scoffed, crossing his arms. "You can't just fucking take control like that!" He curled up once again, legs rising up and pressing against the dash. Henry sighed. "D'you wanna go on a date tonight?" William rose, sitting up normally. "Depends, will you take me to that Cajun place? They have really good alligator there and I want some more." William took Henry's free hand in his, running his fingers over the tanned skin. "Sure, Will," Henry chuckled lovingly, taking William's hand and pressing a kiss against the thin digits. "I love you Henry," William nuzzled his hand, fingers lingering on his thigh when Henry pulled away. The man then pulled into their driveway, swiftly opening the door and leading William inside.

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