Chapter 7- Mates and dates.

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Prim was such a good friend, yet not only that, she was a gorgeous girl too. Long blonde locks flowed down from her head. She was so beautiful. The boys thought so too, yet she would never get a boy friend. Why? Because she hung out with me. Whenever we had PE the boys would wolf whistle as she came out. The idiots. Prim was blind to it however.

Prim and I were walking home one night when we saw him. Jay. The most popular boy in school. He had blonde hair, perfectly styled with gel. All the girls in my year looked up to him. Including me. He ran up from behind us "Wait!" He yelled, "Wait!" What did he want? Was he going to ask one of us out?! Well, it cant be me! I felt a surge of excitement.

I could see the watchful eyes of his mates. Oh no. Oh no. This was not some fairy tale ending. Prim couldn't see how this was going to end. She stopped, turning around. As soon as she saw him, she blushed a deep scarlet. This was no ordinary in love moment. I was not being mean thinking that, but this is the truth. It was truth or dare. And Jay was not going to be considered a coward.

"Prim..." I whispered. Tell her the truth or be kind? Both is not an option. Kindness and honesty are two different things. Six words from Jay, and I would face the hardest decision of my life.

"Will you go out with me?"

Ever since Prim started school, she had a crush on Jay. I knew that.He knew that aswell. We all knew that. We all knew what the answer was going to be.



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