Lesson 1: Face Your Fears: Prologue

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Hey Beautiful :]👊
(If y'all are wondering why Y/n is bald, it's because it's a base for your own character. Ye. Also if you have any problems with the drawing, constructive criticism will be cool)

What do y'all prefer? 3rd Person's POV or 2nd Person's POV?

Key Names for those who don't know yet:

(Y/n) = Your Name
(L/n) = Last Name
(N/n) = Nickname
(B/n) = Brother's Name (If you don't have a bro then just come up with a name 💪)
(Y/q) = Your Quirk
(NAT) = Your Nationality
(If you're actually from Japan, then forget any mentions of you having a different nationality existed : ] )
(F/c) = Favorite Color

You guys are 6 years old in this part btw

(ಠ_ಠ)━☆゚.*・。゚. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : ✧

2nd Person's POV

"Mama, Mama! Can I go to playground??" A young girl beamed at Her mother who is picking small water spinach leaves off the stem and placing them in a bowl on the dining table.

That lively little girl is none other than you.

"Oh? But it's late now, (N/n). The sun is setting, why didn't you play when it's early?" Your Mother asked.

"Because there are so many kids playing at daytime! I also couldn't get on the swings or slide. But when it gets late, all the kids will be sleeping, and I'll have the playground all to myself!" You explained with a self-approving grin as you placed your hands on your hips.

"Oh... Well why don't you make friends with the kids? You were really friendly last year." Your Mother asked with a smile and slanted brows.

"They are scary now. Some of them are always so rude to me..." You huffed with a frown.

"Well... Not all kids are mean, you know? It is true that children can be very rebelious these days... Fine you can play, but only if your big brother comes with you." Your mother sighed as she continues to pluck the leaves.

"Yay! (B/n), (B/n)! Let's go to the playground!" You cheered with a wide smile as you ran to the living room and threw your arms around your brother, who is sitting on the couch sketching a landscape in his sketchbook.

"Ah! (Y/n)! You made me draw a line!" Your brother exclaimed as he erased the mistake on his sketch, irritated.

"Mama said you must come with me so I could play in the playground!!" You laughed as your tiny arms tried it's best to pull your brother's sleeves.

"What- Ugh! I won't go with you if you keep annoying me like this!" Your brother scolded. You quickly released your grip on your brother's sleeves and pursed your lips. You sat quietly beside him on the couch. Wide round eyes stared at him quietly.


"Ok, let's go." Your brother chuckled as he stand up from the couch. His sketchbook still in hand.

"Yay!" You cheered as you grabbed your brother's hand and pulled him towards the door making him let out a small yelp.

"Be back before dinner, guys!" You heard your mother's voice echo from the dining room.

"Ok!" Your brother yelled back as you giggled in excitement, jumping up and down beside him.

Your brother grabbed a spare key and undo the locks before opening the door.

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