Lesson 6: How to NOT Handle a Villain Encounter

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This chapter contains Violence and Villain encounters (ofc).
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Happy readin hehuehuerhoahdo

(ಠ_ಠ)━☆゚.*・。゚. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : ✧


Moss-green fluid slowly crept from a nearby manhole sewer and snuck towards the unwitting teenagers, who were unaware of the impending reason for the silence of their laughter.

You were laughing at Midoriya's dramatic walking and imitation of All Might's laugh... When you noticed a shadow loomed over you and your friend. Your smile disappeared and eyes widened as you taken in the creeping shadow before it slowly grows taller as it approaches.

It has a tall and rippled silhouette. Definitely not a shape of a human.

Midoriya seemed to notice this as well as he stopped his antics. The uneasy sound of a crushing slime made you both turn to find the origin of the sound...

The scene before you has mindlessly glued your foot to the ground. A Villain is gradually configuring itself by a mass of mud that is grayish-green in color. Displaying their enormous, menacing teeth and wide, yellow-stained eyes.

"Two Medium sized invisible cloaks..." The sludge villain groaned in a deep raspy voice as their muddy parts loomed over the two teenagers.

Midoriya looked up at the Villain with wide terrified eyes. His fighting spirit and heroism have already vanished. A sweat has fallen from your temple and your hand has gone cold. You might have a quirk to defend yourself and your friend, but your first instinct was to...

"RUN!" You yelled as you grabbed Midoriya's elbow and tried to sprint out of the tunnel. This made the Sludge villain detach itself from the plate of the manhole as it launched itself towards you both.

Midoriya let's out a terrified scream before it was cut off when the Sludge Villain opened it's mouth, landing on you both as it created a loud-echoing splash. Midoriya dropped his notebook as it plopped and wrinkled to the side.

You let out a struggled cry as the moss-green goo pulled you away from your companion like an aggressive wave. The alive slime has wrapped itself around your figure. You felt the discomforting liquid course down your mouth as you attempted to pull it out, but it is immune against your wrestle.

Midoriya Izuku's POV

"Calm down, little ones... I'm just taking over your bodies. It will only be painful for a few seconds..." The Villain tauntingly consoled us as a strand of their mud patted our heads as if a mother is comforting her injured child.

My vision blurred as a huge bulk of the Villain's mud swims down my throat. I tried to claw through the mud, but it won't budge! I can't breathe..!

"No use in struggling. I'm liquid..." I could faintly hear the Villain laughed.

No... I can't do anything! I can't... But I have to save (L/n)- Where is she?!

"Mmgh!" A struggling voice was the one I heard most than the Villain's speeches.

It's (L/n)! But I can't see her!

No, no, no... She's gonna die! I have to get her out!

I let out a muffled cry as I forced my body to move through the crushing mud, shortly looking up when I noticed the blurry colors of (L/n)'s quirk trying to fight against the Sludge villain.

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