Lesson 8: HELP!

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This chapter is based on Season 1, Episode 4

This chapter contains mentions of Violence and subtle description of injuries. If you are not comfortable with the topics mentioned, please exit or skip this chapter immediately.

(ಠ_ಠ)━☆゚.*・。゚. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : ✧

Anonymous POV

Prior to the beginning of the practical test...

'Woo! I'm pumped up!'
I extended out an arm and positioned it over the other and stretched out again as I let out a tense, but satisfied wheeze!

...To you know, get loose and warmed up before the practical test.

I watched from behind as the students crowded over the gate that separated us from the arena. The gate was quite incredibly tall and menacing... And I would hate to admit it out loud, but it definitely added up to my nervousness.

I mean- Just look at how gigantic it is..! It's like they're sending us to a literal world-war battlefield... But I guess it could be a way for them to submerge us into the experience of what the Hero world would look like..?

And you know what, despite how nervous I'm feeling right now, I'm absolutely in and charged up for it!

I also can't wait to meet the people here! From what I can observe from the crowd of my fellow examinees, they look like rather fine people...

Oh- Eh, except for that distorted looking guy in the corner. They probably have good intentions, but they definitely looked terrifying.



And I wonder if she's here too.


Oh gosh... I haven't even seen her present-self yet, but just the thought of her just makes my palms even more sweaty. Would she even be here..?

I mean- We did promise to meet each other again in U.A. when we were younger... And of course I still remembered that! If she is here... It would be nice if we were placed in the same battle center...

Hold on- If she is here, what the heck am I going to say to her? Should I introduce myself like normal or go suave and do a backflip as I recite a pickup line to her- I don't know.
Wait- Why am I even thinking so deeply about this??-

"Uhm... My name is (L/n) (Y/n)."




'That name...'

I leapt my chin off of the ground as soon as I heard the familiar name being recited somewhere from the mass of examinees. I inhaled in and exhaled out as I walked aimlessly toward the crowd.

"Oh- Sorry! Please excuse me!" I immediately apologized as I pushed myself into the crowd, dodging the looks and glares of a few disturbed students as I marched forward...

'What am I doing, What am I doing, What am I doing??' My mind began to ramble and jabber as I mindlessly push through the crowd. I probably looked like a rude and impatient fool trying to shove myself into my fellow examinees, but I really couldn't help, but long to see if it was really-

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