Lesson 2: How To Protect Properly

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Hey. How's skool?

(H/n) = Hero Name

Mentions of Bullies, Insults, and Social Anxiety.
If any of the topics listed made you uncomfortable, I suggest skipping
the playground scene.

(ಠ_ಠ)━☆゚.*・。゚. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : ✧

2nd Person's POV

Now that Kaminari could finally control his quirk, he can now play during the daytime again. He is a very outgoing and lively boy who dislikes being alone, so he was thrilled to be able to play with kids his age again.

Of course, he didn't want to play without his special companion, which is you. You're one of the few people who accepted and stayed with him despite the fact that he could accidentally harm you. You also helped him control his quirk, even if it wasn't on purpose.

You were a bit skeptical though when Kaminari invited you to play at the playground while the sun was still shining bright and children are crowding over the place. But you accepted it in the end. You have a friend now, so you weren't too afraid.

You were walking with your brother around the playground when you noticed Kaminari waving his hand with a big smile. His mother, who is holding his hand, also waved to you both.

You and your brother waved back as you turned to the playground and saw that it was being overrun by kids. They are towering the multicolored structures like ant hordes.

"You're going to be ok, (N/n). If any of the kids bully you, big brother will be here to save you, ok?" Your brother reassured you. You looked up at your brother with an anxious look before nodding with a small smile.

Kaminari lets go of his mother's hand before running towards you. He came to a halt in front of you. His face beaming in excitement. You never told him that you'd get nervous around other kids, so he wasn't aware that you were troubled.

"Let's go, (Y/n)!" Kaminari said as he reached out a hand for you to take. You smiled as you took a glance from your brother as he lets go of your hand so that Kaminari could hold yours.

Kaminari locked his hand around yours and walked over to the playground with you. The sight of your friend makes you feel a bit relieved.

Kaminari looked around the playground for a bit to see that the swings are occupied by twins, unfortunately. But he quickly perked up when the twins left the swings and ran towards the slide.

"Oh look! They left the swings. Do you wanna sit there first?" Kaminari asked.

"Mhm." You simply hummed and nodded. Trying not to make eye-contact with anyone.

"Let's go before it gets taken again!" Kaminari laughed as he ran towards the swings, pulling you with him.

He sat down on the left swing, while you sat down on the right swing. You both backed up with the swing seats before lifting your legs off the ground. The swing lessened more of your stress.

"Hey... You've been so quiet, (Y/n). What's wrong?" Kaminari asked. Making his voice louder so that he could still be heard through the laughs and yells of the other kids.

"Nothing. I'm just a little sleepy from my nap." You reassured him with a smile.


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