Lesson 5: The Requirements to be a Hero

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This chapter is based on Season 1, Episode 1

(ಠ_ಠ)━☆゚.*・。゚. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : ✧

"Oh (L/n)! You're still here!" You flinched from the sudden call of your name as your eyes left the stalking figure to see the friendly freckled face of Midoriya Izuku.

"Oh-! Midoriya! Uh..." You shortly grinned at the sight of your friend before it quickly drops into a worried frown as you turn to the corner of the building once more to find that the person's... gone.

"(L/n)? It... Seems like something is bothering you. Is everything okay?" Midoriya asked. His brows slanted in worry as he turned to the direction where your eyes lead.

"I... I saw someone..." You answered as you loosely lifted a finger to the corner where the shadowed figure once stood.


How could the person escape without you hearing or noticing their retreat..?

'It's probably just an hallucination.'

You shook your head as you turn to your green-haired friend with a consoling smile. "I... Was probably just seeing things. Don't worry about it."

"Are you sure? We could report it to the Police or the Heroes..." Midoriya tilted his head. Genuinely concerned as he slightly leaned to see if there's anyone hiding behind the corner of the building. Seeing no one at all, he shortly turns his head to you as you nodded with a tight smile.

"No, it's alright. It was probably nothing. Uh... Anyway! Me and my friend, Fujikawa found your notebook." You changed the topic as you reached out the notebook to Midoriya. Making him softly gasp, not expecting for you to have it.

"Oh! Thank you so much! How did you find it?" Midoriya said as he gently took the notebook from your hands.

"Me and Fujikawa were at the side of the school to feed the fish there, and... Then suddenly, something was thrown unto my head." You explained as you watched Midoriya look down at his notebook. Frowning at it's condition. Shortly taking his gaze away from it to you.

"Oh... It hit your head? I'm so sorry about that! Does it still hurt?" Midoriya timidly apologized as he worriedly looked to check up on your head.

"Could still feel the part it hit, but I'll be alright. Don't apologize for it." You assured him as you rubbed your head.

"Thank you... Really (L/n). I owe you one... And Fujikawa too!" Midoriya thanked as he brightly smiled at you. Two tiny pink lines of blush has acquainted with his freckles.

"Fujikawa and I are welcome, Midoriya." You politely replied as you smiled at the green-haired boy.


"I really am sorry, (L/n). I... I slipped and dropped my notebook out of the window. I was really careless, but I'll make it up to you!" Midoriya stated. However, his explanation of the cause of his notebook being tossed out the window is a pretty obvious lie.

"You... Slipped?" You sighed as you crossed your arms together.

"Your notebook is literally covered with burns. There's no way a simple slip could've caused that... I assume it was Bakugo again?" You surmised. Midoriya opened his mouth, but not a single word has came out. He signed in defeat before slowly nodding.

Midoriya has determined that he can be honest with you. He has opened up to you several times, and he trusts you enough that you will side with him on the situation he has experienced.

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