Lesson 3: How To Say Goodbye

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2nd Person's POV

Months have passed, and the school year is nearly over. Year Six felt like the most longest year for you because you've been waiting for what feels like a decade to graduate.

You are currently in the living room, studying for the final exams that will be starting next week. Normally, you don't have the motivation to study for anything. But since you're graduating, you decided to force yourself to review your notes.

Your grades can be either decent or... Substandard depending on how well you performed at school in real life. And since you're planning to enroll to UA, AKA The Top Hero Academy in Japan, you need to step up your game.

You are sitting on the floor, answering unused seat-works on your book to make sure you've reviewed everything on the low chabudai table. Your bag spilled the carpet with books and papers beside you.

“I have exciting news!” Your mother suddenly called.

You quickly wrote out your last answer before poking the paper to end your sentence with a period. After you finished writing your answer, you turned to your mother who just entered the room with her phone in hand. She turned to you with an excited grin.

Your brother is sitting on the couch, who also has a phone in hand. He is just taking a break from his current art project. He gazed away from his phone to his mother.

“What is it?” You asked.

“Me and your dad have been talking... And we both agreed that we should move to Suginami after (Y/n)'s graduation!” Your Mother answered as she approached the couch.

“It's been years since your dad has seen you two. And he misses you both really dearly.”

“Really?! So like- We're going to live in Suginami now?” Your Brother's lips has also lifted to an excited grin.

“Yes! And your father has already found a house for us as well!” Your mother said with a wide bright smile. It was the most happiest smile your mother has ever expressed. You wish that your mother could stay happy like this.

“That's Awesome! I wonder what dad looks like now. And I've always wanted to see that one cool Art Museum near the Animation Studio that dad works at!” Your brother rambled.

Your reaction was no far from theirs. You were absolutely thrilled to hear that you're moving outl. You're especially excited to reunite with your father again! You and your brother would video call your father from time to time. Although he's too caught up with work so he can't communicate with you all the time, but whenever he does have the time, the video calls with him were always hilarious and memorable.

Oh! You are so excited to announce this news to Kaminari and Jiro at school. It's rare for you to share what's happening in your life, so you were very eager to finally share something to your friends. You wonder what life would look like with them once you're in... Sugi-




Your smile slowly dropped into a small frown in realization. How did you not realize from the start that you can't see your friends anymore once you move to another city?

“Mom... Is Suginami far from here?” You asked with worried slanted brows.

“Hm... I suppose not that far. Maybe like a Thirty minute drive.” Your mother answered.

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