The Start

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"Magda! I'm home." Carrie says before going up to her room to get ready for the biggest party of the year. She goes to her room and sees that her safe is wide open. She looks in the safe and it's empty.

She freaks out and goes to Peter's room.

"Yo, Pete! Did you take my money?" Carrie asks

"Why would I take your money? I could just steal whatever I want from anywhere I want." Peter says

"My safe is wide open." Carrie says. Peter's eyes widen

"Shit. That's not good." Peter says

"No shit." Carrie says leaving the room. She goes to Wanda's room. She's playing with her dollhouse. Carrie bends down to her height.

"Did you go into my room today? You're not in trouble if you did." Carrie asks

"No. I saw mommy go into your room. I asked her why she went in there and she sai-" Carrie runs out of Wanda's room to go downstairs. She finds Magda on the couch watching TV while smoking a cigarette and drinking rosè. Carrie turns off the TV.

"What did you do with the money in my room?" Carrie asks

"Gary owed a guy some money and he said he would get hurt if he didn't have the money by today so I lended him it." Magda says

"That was my money. I worked my ass off to pay off my tuition for next semester." Carrie says

"You'll find a way to pay it off." Magda says, taking a sip of her wine. Carrie gives her mother a disappointing look and goes to her room. She starts crying but quickly stops. She starts to get ready. She puts on a pair of ripped jeans, a white tied up shirt, and black boots. She looks for a jacket but none of them match. She sneaks into her brother's room and steals one of his leather jackets. It's perfect. She makes her way downstairs to Gary.

"Hello there, Gary." Carrie says sarcastically

"Where are you going?" Gary asks

"None of your business." Carrie says with a sarcastic smile. She walks towards the door but Gary blocks her.

"I want to know where you're going looking like that." Gary says slowly touching her waist. Carrie takes a deep breath.

"I'm going to a party." Carrie says

"Look out for em' boys. They'll come at you." Gary says laughing. Carrie opens the door and Gary smacks her ass. Carrie slams the door behind her and leaves. She wishes that she can just make a million knives stab him all over.

She can but she'd actually go to jail since she's an adult this time.

Carrie's walking and she sees this bright light coming from the sky which is weird because it is seven at night in December. She stops and looks around. She floats up and goes towards the light. She lets herself down and looks up at the light. All of a sudden everything turns into mirrors. She just sees herself all around.

"What the fuck." Carrie mumbles. She touches one of the reflections and the mirrors break. The mirror below her shatters and she falls through it. When she lands she's definitely not in DC or even on Earth. The place is just like a jungle.

She gets up and explores the surroundings. She hears a ship land near her and she hides. A blue person with a short red robotic mohawk gets out and orders the men to look for who knows what. Carrie starts to move away but one of the men finds her.

"Yondu! I found some chick here!" The man yells holding on to her. Carrie elbows the man in the gut and runs. They run after her, shooting their guns. Carrie makes their guns stop shooting at her. While running an arrow comes and stops at her face. She tries to move it away from her face.

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