Time To Change, Caroline

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"Hey, Magda. I need money to go back to school shopping." Carrie says

"Just go to the attic. My old clothes will fit you." Magda says. Carrie rolls her eyes and makes her way to the attic. She looks through boxes.

One box was full of old photos. Of course Carrie looks through them because she wants to know what her mom was like when she was not a drunk. She goes through every photo.

Baby photos of Peter and Carrie. Baby photos of Wanda. Baby photos of Magda. Magda's teen years. Magda in Geremy. Magda with her old boyfriends including-

"Magneto?!?!?" Carrie says to herself in shock

"Magda dated Magneto?" Carrie says to herself analyzing the photo. She looks at the back of the photo to see the date

'December 13, 1947'

"That was about 8 months before I was born?" Carrie says to herself. She looks at more photos. There are more photos of Magneto and Magda. The dates are between the end of 1947 to the beginning of 1951.

"Is Magneto my father?" Carrie asks herself. She looks at the photos more closely. She looks like him.

"I kind of look like him, I'm a mutant and I have magnetic powers." Carrie says to herself. She wonders where Peter and her got their mutant abilities because it's not from Magda's side. She goes through more of the photos and finds a picture of Magneto and her.

"Holy shit, he is my dad." Carrie whispers.

She stuffs the picture in her pocket and leaves the attic.

Now it all makes sense



Six Months Later

"Showtime, a holes! It will be here any minute" Peter says before they start fighting a giant monster

"Which will be its loss" Gamora says

"Yep" Carrie says getting out a gun

"I thought your thing was knives?" Peter says

"We've been hired to stop an interdimensional beast from feeding on those batteries and I'm gonna stop it with a knife?" Carrie says

"It's just, knives were your thing and guns were mine but I guess we're both doing guns now. I just didn't know that." Peter says

"Drax, why aren't you wearing one of Rocket's aero rigs?" Gamora asks

"It hurts." Drax says

"It hurts?" Gamora repeats

"I have sensitive nipples." Drax says. Rocket starts dying laughing

"My nipples hurt! Oh, goodness me!" Rocket says mocking Drax

"What about him? What's he doing?" Drax asks about Rocket

"I'm finishing this so we can listen to tunes while we work." Rocket says

"How is that a priority?" Drax asks

"Blame Quill. He's the one who loves music so much." Rocket says

"No, I actually agree with Drax on this." Peter says

"Ok, then blame Maximoff." Rocket says

"Why are you blaming me for this? We're not playing Queen?" Carrie says

"Really, classic rock?" Peter says. Carrie rolls her eyes

"Anyway, that's hardly important right now." Peter says

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