Daddy Issues

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"Magda, I need to talk to you about giving me guardianship of Peter and Wanda." Carrie says to Madga, who's smoking a cigarette on the couch while watching the news.

"Need a father for that." Madga says

"Look, Peter and I's father is in jail for killing JFK. Wanda's father is probaly having sex with a hooker right now and I really don't want to find him. So can you please get David to sign this and I'll forge Erik's." Carrie says giving Madga a sheet. Madga puts the cigarette out.

"How do you know who your father is?" Madga asks

"I was looking for clothes and I found pictures." Carrie says

"You know he helped you and Peter a lot by leaving." Madga says getting up

"Yea, leaving us with you is a real jackpot." Carrie says sarcastically

"And David, he was a good one." Madga says. Carrie rolls her eyes

"I'll call him but I won't give you guardianship of Wanda. You can take Peter, don't really care for him." Madga says. Carrie takes a deep breathe.

"Why? I pretty much take care of her already and you'll still have your rights as a parent." Carrie says

"I'm not giving up all my rights." Madga says. Carrie throws the chair into the wall.

"Can you just do this one thing! Please, just do this for me!" Carrie yells at her. Madga grabs a knife and throws it at her. She stops it before it stabs her.

The knife drops.

Carrie stands there in shock.

"You know what, fine, keep your fucking rights. Call David. Don't think about anyone else by yourself." Carrie says before leaving the room.


Present Time

"I hired Yondu to pick you up when your mother passed away. But instead of returning you, Yondu kept you. I have no clue as to why." Ego says

"Well, I'll tell you why. Because I was a skinny little kid who could squeeze into places adults couldn't. It made it easier for thievin" Peter says

"Well, I've been trying to track you down ever since." Ego says

"I thought Yondu was your father" Drax says

"What? We've been together this whole time and you thought Yondu was my actual blood relative?" Peter says

"You look exactly alike." Drax says

"One's blue!" Rocket says

"No, he's not my father! Yondu was the guy I who abducted me, kicked the crap out of me so I could learn to fight, and kept me in terror by threatening to eat me." Peter says

"Eat you?" Ego repeats

"Yeah" Peter says

"Oh, that son of a bitch." Ego says

"How'd you locate us now?" Gamora asks Ego

"Well, even where I reside, out past the edge of what we've heard tell about the man they call Star-Lord. What say we head out there right now? Your associates are welcome. Even that triangle faced monkey there. I promise you it's unlike any other place you've ever seen. And there I can explain your very special heritage. Finally get to be the father I've always wanted to be. Excuse me. I've gotta take a whiz." Ego says. Peter looks at Carrie.

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