Chapter 4: Hellfire

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Everything was so confusing to you, one moment you like Eddie the next he's getting on your nerves. You liked toying with him, that's for sure.
Eddie parked his van in the school's parking lot. Eddie hops out quickly and walks around the front of his van to your side. You gather your things and reach for the handle. Eddie interrupts and opens the door for you, bowing "Your majesty." He says grinning. You put on your headphones on, hop out of the van and walk passed him trying to hide your smile.
You pause and scan the parking lot full on teens. You don't know where the hell you're supposed to go.
Eddie creeps up behind you putting on his jacket. You turn around and bump right into his chest. Of course. He puts his hands on your shoulders and pulls you away from his chest "Lost already?" He says. You were mildly irritated and rolled your eyes with a small smile. He turns you back around, keeping his hands on your shoulders. "So, where we headed to first sweetheart" he said looking down at you. One noticeable thing about Eddie and you, is the height difference. Not that your short, you're average in fact, Eddie is just.. a little tall.
You look up at him "Oh Munson.. I don't know where the hell I'm going." You scoff at him. "I'm sure you'll be fine, I've got Ms. O'Donnell.." He shudders and pats your shoulders.
You pull out your schedule, math first thing. You actually enjoy math. I mean for someone who's into a lot of drugs and stays up late, you do really well in school. You bite the inside of your cheek. You were nervous, Eddie took notice and moved beside you grabbing your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. You look at your hands then up at Eddie, he looked at you smiling, genuinely this time. You can't help but smile as well.

Eddie led the way through the school, manoeuvring around a few students. A few of them gave glares and "freaks" under their breaths. Eddie just stared forward through it all. God you hate that word, if they got to know Eddie they wouldn't say it.
He stopped in front of a classroom "This is where we part ways sweetheart" he says smiling at you. "Find me in the cafeteria at lunch" he kisses your hand and walks away before you can say thanks.
You're sitting in class anxiously tapping your pencil and foot in sync. It's one period before lunch, you just want to meet up with Eddie. Glancing at the clock, there are only a few minutes till the lunch bell rings. You sigh and set your pencil down and start packing your things early. "Y/n, there are still 5 minutes left of class, there is no need to be packing up so early." The teacher says, god her voice is so obnoxious. "You're disrupting the class." She adds in. You glance around the class, everyone is looking at you. You sigh and set your stuff back down. The teacher waits till you finish putting your stuff down and continues. Not even two minutes later the bell rings as the teacher is speaking. You smirk at her and grab your stuff, again, and rush out the door.
The hallway is full of people, you try to manoeuvre through everyone while also looking for the cafeteria. A red headed girl in a cheerleader uniform bumps into you. "I'm so sorry-" She says shaking her head. "It's fine, I'm fine" you say putting your hands up. She lets out a short breath and laughs a bit. You smile. "Uhm, do you mind showing me where the cafeteria is?" You say rubbing the back of your neck. She nods "Yeah, sure-" She grabs your hand and leads you through the hallway. "My names Chrissy by the way" she says stopping in front of the cafeteria.
She was a very energetic girl, but something felt off about her. "I'm Y/n" you say with a small smile. "Nice meeting you Y/n, well if your ever interested in joining the cheer team at anytime, just come find me." she gives a small wave and walks into the cafeteria, you walk in shortly after.
You take a glance around the cafeteria looking for Munson. You spot him on top of a lunch table "OR A GAME WHERE YOU THROW BALLS INTO LAUNDRY BASKETS!" He yells, you're not surprised that'd he do something like this. "You want something freak!" You see a blonde boy yell from the basketball team's table. Eddie makes devil horns and sputters in response, smiling after spotting you. "Freak.." you hear the kid mumble. You roll your eyes and walk over to Eddie. He's talking with a few of the people at the table. "That's what's KILLING THE KIDS!" He shouts again as you walk up to the table. "That's the real monster.." he adds. You raise an eyebrow at him. "Nice to see you found your way to the cafeteria in one piece." Eddie says smiling. "Barely" you say sarcastically.
Eddie pats the chair next to him, you sit down and see everyone at the table staring at you while Eddie picks at his food. There was an awkward silence for a while till one of the boys wearing a hat speaks up
"So uh- speaking of monsters uhm, Lucas has to do his, uh, balls-in-laundry-baskets game.." he says to Eddie. "So..?" Eddie says "So he's not gonna be able to make it Hellfire tonight!" The boy chuckles. He seemed nervous over this hellfire club thing, must be important to them. "And I know there's no way we can beat your sadistic campaign without him" he adds
Eddie continues picking at his food, looking a little zoned out. The boy paused then continued "So, me and Mike, we were talking.. shooting the shit, and we were thinking.. that maybe we might..." he paused "postpone?" He says and everyone at the table erupts "Postpone?! Cant just drop that on us!" One boy says "Over my dead body!" The other goes. "Shut up!!" Eddie shouts a bit. They all groan. You cant help but sit there awkwardly, not knowing what's going on. Eddie stops picking at his food and slides his hand on your thigh under the table so no one would see, he was still focused on the problem with his little club, just needed a little support. "You saying Sinclair's been taken in by the dark side?" Eddie says squeezing your thigh a bit. You put your hand on top of his and he loosens his grip. "Uh, something like that" the boy says. "Something like that?" Eddie rolled his eyes "Jesus Christ.. and rather than find a sub for him you want... you want to postpone 'The Cult of Vecna'.?" Eddie said looking frustrated.
You were a little lost on what was going on so you just sorta zoned out and played with Eddie's rings. He looked over at you and smiled a bit "I..I don't want to postpone it. WE don't want to postpone it." The boy speaks up again, Eddie was distracted by you playing with his rings for a second. "It's just that, you know, most of the subs will be at the championship game.." he said cautiously. Eddie snapped out of the distraction and focused back at the problem. "Oh, it's the championship game?" He said with a sarcastic tone. "Yeah.." the boy responded.
Eddie pats your thigh and gets up "Can I level with you?" Eddie says walking. "Jeff graduates this year, Gareth's got what, a year and a half?" He says gesturing at a few of the boys at the table. "Me? I am army-crawling my way to a D in Ms. O'Donnells" he adds. You're not surprised Eddie isn't necessarily academically talented. " If I don't blow her final, I'm gonna walk that stage next month, I'm gonna look Principal Higgins dead in the eye, I'm gonna flip him the bird, I'm gonna snatch that diploma." He says sticking up his middle finger, then grabbing air. "I'm gonna run like hell outta here!" He says smiling. The boys around the table start laughing, you can't help but chuckle a bit. You thought it was cute that he was invested in a little club and helping these boys. "Didn't you say that last year, and the year before?" A boy adds. Pause, Eddie was held back? Not that you are surprised, but still. You rest your head on your hand watching Eddie give his speech. "Yeah yeah, and I was full of shit." He responds. "This year is different, this year is my year, I can feel it!" a smile creeps up on his face. " '86 baby!" He turns to face the table, The boys laugh.
Eddie walks to the other side of the table, in between the boy from earlier and another boy. "You know what that means?" He leans down in between the boys. "It means you boys are the future of Hellfire, I knew it the moment I saw you." He looks at them both and looks at you for a split second, he saw you were getting bored. "You sat on that table right over there, looking like... looking like two little lost sheep." He stares off into the distance. He turns to look at the boy with the hat "You were wearing a Weird Al T-shirt, which I thought was brave." He chuckles a bit, so do you. "Thank you.." the boy says. "Mike, you were wearing whatever shit your mommy bought you from goddamn Gap!" He says and everyone at the table laughs, you chuckle.
Eddie grabs the boys and pulls them up off the table "And we showed you that school didn't have to be the worst years of your lives, right?" He says gripping their shoulders, looking at them both, slowly walking. "Well, I'm here to tell you that there are other little lost sheepies out there who need your help" he faces the boys to a few kids at a table. "Who need you" He adds. "And all you guys gotta do is get your Bo-Peeps on and go and find one." He says shoving them forward, walking back to the table and sits down next to you.
You look at him "what was that about?" You whisper to Eddie as the guys at the table look at you. "Just my Dungeons and Dragons campaign, It's just a fantasy game we play."  He whispers back. You nod a bit confused "Dungeons and Dragons..?" You say confused. He stares at you looking a bit offended. "Y/n you're going to kill me." He says getting up. You smile "Sorry I'm not a nerd" you say playfully. He puts his hand on his chest "Ouch" he says in response. There was a moment of silence "Well your majesty, I've got somewhere to be" he offers his hand to you "Feel like joining?" You look at the people at his table looking at you, then back at Eddie. You take his hand "Not like I have anywhere else to be, Thank you good sir." You get up and smile.
"Well gentlemen, I'm off. See you all tonight." He says to the table and then leads you out of the cafeteria.
You and Eddie were walking through the hallway and you see Chrissy walk out of the bathroom looking upset. Eddie stops "Wait here sweetheart." He says letting go of your hand and walks after Chrissy. You stand awkwardly in the middle of the hallway before moving to the side. You look around and sit down leaning against the wall. People walked by, a few minutes passed and Eddie hasn't come back. You were sitting there like a lost puppy. 
You lean your head back and close your eyes. You fidgeted with your your fingers a bit. Soon the hallway got quiet. You open your eyes and the Hallways were empty. You heard a clock chime, it was the same sound from your dream. Your heart beats faster. You get up off the floor and follow the sound cautiously. You turn around the corner and see a grandfather clock inside the wall, the pendulum swaying to the chimes.
Your eyes widen and you step back, you turn to run and bump into something. You gasp and look up, it's Eddie "Geez watch where your-" he looks at your face, his eyebrows furrow. You were breathing heavy, eyes wide. "Woah woah, are you alright.." he says putting his hands on your shoulders. You look behind your shoulder and the clock was gone "Y-yeah-" you stutter. And nod your head. "I wasn't gone that long was I?" He joked a bit, trying to make you feel better. You laughed a bit.
"Well your majesty, change of plans, I have to meet up with someone" Eddie says grabbing your hand and intertwining each other's fingers. "Oh." You say, "Alright.." you were a little upset, you wanted to hang out with Eddie, and you didn't want to be alone, not after that.
You let go of his hand and look at your feet. Why do you even care? You guys aren't even a thing.. it was just some stupid fling. You think to yourself.
He tilts his head looking at you, trying to figure out what you were thinking about. "Well, I've got to go now. I'll see you at the end of the day?" he says "Yeah.." you nod and walk away. He still stands there watching you before turning around.

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