Chapter 7: Vecna's Curse

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You and Eddie were sitting by the boat, Eddie was shaking, you were sitting with your hand on his back to comfort him "Her body just, like, lifted into the air- and uh..." he paused staring at nothing, as if he was just revisiting the night it happened. You felt bad that he had to go through that, he was clearly traumatized. "And she just, like, hung there..." "in the air" he adds
"And her bones..uh she..." he whimpers and looks over at you to finish.
You sit up a bit and look at everyone before saying anything, they felt sorry for him as well. You think back to how you saw Chrissy in the trailer..on the floor. "Her bones snapped- bent in ways they shouldn't. Her eyes-" you felt your stomach churn, you look away in case you threw up. Taking a deep breath you continue. "Her eyes, it was like something inside- pulled them in-"
Eddie takes a breath before taking over again. "I- I didn't know what to do... so.." he pauses "I ran away.." he looks at you, you nod "that's when I bumped into Y/n" He turns back to everyone else, they look at you. They're expecting you to tell your part now. You really don't want to revisit everything, but if it can help Eddie, you'll pull through.
You lick your lips before speaking "I was..smoking on my porch, when my lights started flickering" Max looks up at you, her light had also flickered that night, she assumed it was her power. "I assumed it was my shitty power, but I saw everyone else's lights go off- then-" you pause and wince, his scream replaying in the back of your head "Then I heard Eddie scream, so I went to check on him and- I saw Chrissy.." The image of Chrissy on the floor suddenly pops into your head again, a tear falls from your face, you shake the thought and continue. "So we ran." You say letting Eddie know that he wasn't alone, and that it wasn't his fault.
"There was no way Eddie could've done it- a human couldn't have done.. that." The thought just keeps making you sick. "You all think we're crazy right?" He says scoffing and looking away. "No- we don't think you're crazy" Dustin says in a calming voice trying to reassure Eddie. "Don't bullshit me man! I know how this sounds!" Eddie says in a frustrated voice.
You hate seeing Eddie like this, but you can't blame him either, the shit that just happened isn't something you see everyday, or at all.
"We're not bullshitting you" Max speaks up "We believe you" Robin chimes in stepping forward a bit.
Eddie scoffs, he's frustrated and terrified. You grab his hand and he looks at you for a second and drops his shoulders, calming down a bit.
Dustin scoots closer a bit "What I'm about to tell you might be a little... difficult to take" You and Eddie look at each other confused, then to Dustin. "Okay.." you say. "You know how people say Hawkins is...cursed?" Dustin continues.
Obviously, that's the 'bad reputation' you keep getting told about, all the shit that goes down here, how could it not be cursed?
"They're not... way off" Dustin says trying to simplify everything, he doesn't know if you or Eddie can quite handle this yet, but you needed to know.
"There's another world. A world hidden beneath Hawkins." Dustin tried to explain. "Sometimes it bleeds into ours." He adds. "Like ghosts and shit?" Eddie says.  You cant help but think of the clock, and that thing in your nightmare, how it called to you. Max interrupts your thought "There are things, worse than ghosts.."
"These monsters from this other world...we thought they were gone." Dustin pauses "But they've come back before, that's why we needed to find you." Eddie tried to take in what was said, you partially believe it because of your past encounters, however you don't know whether they're linked or not. You don't want to seem crazy, but we're clearly passed that.
"If they're back again, we need to know" Max adds. "That night, did you see anything?" Robin asks Eddie.
He tried to think about it, so do you. "Dark particles maybe?" You both nod your head 'no'. "It would almost look like dust- swirling dust" Dustin adds trying to get something from you two. Eddie gets annoyed "No, man, there was nothing you could see or, uh..." he says shaking his head "or touch"
"You know, I tried to wake her man.." he looks to you. You're noticing some of the similarities between you and Chrissy. "She just wouldn't was like she- she was in a trance or something." He says.
You realize something "Or under a spell.." you look at Eddie then Dustin. "A curse.." Eddie adds, Dustin catches on. "Vecna's curse." 
You think back to the Dungeons and Dragons game, Vecna, a dark wizard.
"Who's Vecna?" Steve asks Dustin. "An undead creature..of great power.." he says with a worried expression. "A spell caster.." Eddie adds "a Dark wizard.." you chime in. The three of you understood what kind of danger you were in, if this- thing- was anything like Vecna, You're screwed.
"Listen, we have to go- you and Eddie need to lay down low for a bit- we will come back with supplies" Dustin says the rest of the group nods. They start to head out.
Eddie looks over at you, you're sitting with your knees up trying to process everything, from monsters in Hawkins to how you may or may not be Cursed by Vecna.
"You okay..?" Eddie says scooting next to you. You should just tell him about everything, with the clock, the nightmares, everything. "Listen Eddie- we're way passed crazy, and after learning about this Vecna shit-" you pause. "Remember the night we first met?" You say, he nods. "Well, I heard something, in the woods. Before you got there. It sounded like a clock, chiming- and-" You take a breath in "And then I bumped into you.." you smile a bit. "I was scared as shit- but you were there." You glance at him for a second before continuing.
"But that's not it- after we went back to your trailer, and-" You pause, both of you remembering the make-out session. There was an awkward silence
"When we fell asleep, I had this 'nightmare'." You say trying to, put everything into words. This was a lot harder then you expected. "God this sounds crazy-" You say. "Y/n, we're way passed crazy" He says quoting you. You look at him and bite your lip before continuing.
"The nightmare felt so.. real. It was still dark out, I was walking to my trailer across the street, when I heard that clock again. I followed it into the forest, back where we met.. I saw a grandfather clock, it had these...vines? Attached to it. They were moving- it was alien like." You pause to take a breath. "I saw..something- someone approaching. They were all shrivelled...decicated" You quote Eddie from the Dungeons and Dragons game. He looks at you, realizing what you're trying to say. "He called my name, it's voice was raspy- I was scared so..I ran.. I tripped over a picture frame- it was of mother.. And when I got up, I was in my old home." Tears form in your eyes, this was a lot harder to talk about then you expected.
"It called my name again- i don't know how it knew my name- but I ran to my old room, and hid in the closet.." You let out a small cry, you remember how scared you were, hiding in your closet, waiting to wake up, how it's footsteps approached so menacingly.
You take in a breath to calm down and continue "It slowly made its way towards me.. I could see the shadow under the door. I shut my eyes and that's when... when I woke up. I was back in your trailer.." You look at him, he's trying to process everything. There was still more to say however.
"I brushed it off as a nightmare but, at school the next day. When we were in the hall, you left to go speak with Chrissy, I... I saw the clock again. There were, 'dark particles' like Dustin and Max said, But I snapped out of it, when I bumped into you. I felt like I was losing my mind" You finish.
Eddie just stares at you Chrissy had said the same thing to him 'Do you ever feel like you're losing your mind?'. It replays through his head "Eddie?" You snap him out of it. "Listen Y/n, if you're under.. Vecna's curse.." he pauses, you both know what will happen "We've got to tell the others, before..." he pauses to think about Chrissy. "Anything happens.".
You get up, lift the tarp and step into the boat, you gesture for Eddie to join you. He climbs in, and lays down. He leaves space for you next to him, you crawl next to him and rest your head on his chest. He wraps his arm around you, and puts the tarp over both of you.  You both fall asleep.

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