4. My taetae

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The next day was Junghe's first day at school. He was so pumped and excited for school (as he is a kid. When you grow up, your hatred towards learning grows with you. At least that's what i think)

"Bye bye pappa", Junghe said as he waved his hands looking at Jungkook .Jungkook watched with heart eyes as his son walked into a new world. A lady soon approached him leading him to his class. Jungkook smiled at his son happily holding hands with some stranger and going to enter a new phase.

Junghe went into his class and looked around at the unfamiliar place with many unfamiliar faces. Some of them where crying for their parents while some were playing with toys and a few were fighting with other peers.

The sweet boy went into the crowd and started getting along with them. A sudden deep but soothing voice interepted them.

"Good morning kids" , the voice said. Everyone turned around to see him. It was their home teacher.

He was displaying a sweet smile . It would be hard for someone to decide whom to adore. The teacher or the cute kids.

"Good morning teacher" some said or more like screamed. We all know how energetic kids can be . While the other.....well , they were minding their own business.

"Wow you guys are so pumped. Okay let's me introduce myself. I'm Kim Taehyung and I will be teaching you for today." , He finished with another one of those boxy smiles.

"You are the sweet uncle who helps us carry our bags" Junghe suddenly questioned.

"Yeah sweetie... It is me. You still remember me? You have got a nice memory", he replied. He sure has his way with kids. Ofc he will why else would he be kids favorite teacher.

Junghe started liking him the second Taehyung came into his eyesight. He smiled at Taehyung. His rare smile fully on display for his new teacher.

"And you are Junghe aren't you?" , He continued. "Yes that's my name", one could see the innocence of that kid through his words and his sweetness.

"Let's go around and introduce ourselves come on. So Junghe tell us about your family and your favorite things to do and the others will do the same after you"

"Hi. I am Jeon Junghe. My pappa is Jeon Jungkook and my dadda is umm umm his name is Yoongi. My favourite thing to do is hanging out with my dadda and my grandparents." He said and went back to his place while the other went on and talked about them.

Taehyung could see the sadness in his face when he said about his dad and that reminded him of how the kids pappa react when his name was mentioned. He came to a conclusion that probably he is no more or they are no longer in good terms. So he went closer to Junghe.

"Junghe, when you said about your favourite things to do . You didn't mention about your pappa. Don't you like hanging out with him?"

"I-it is just that I get to see him every day but I can't see dadda grandpa and grandma everyday . ", He said with a teary eyes.

"Where is your dad?", taehyung asked caressing Junghe's hair and wiping of the drops of tears.

"H-he l-left. N-no we left him", Junghe said. Taehyung didn't question further. He couldn't stand the sight of him crying at all.

"Oh cupcake don't cry. Let me get you a chocolate. Kids, who wants some chocolate?", he asked the kids and everyone raised their hands.

He went over to the desk and gave everyone a chocolate and came back to Junghe with a sweet.

"Thanks. And did you call me cupcake? That's what my pappa calls me as well." Junghe said unwrapping the sweets wrapping.

"Is that so? It does suit you cupcake. We can be good friends."

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