8. First day of work

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"Nice, now let's go into the kitchen " taehyung said. Jungkook nodded and followed.

"My mom used to tell me how cleaning is the first step towards learning cooking. So u can help me with that for now" he said.

"Ok. I love cleaning up"(nah not me)

"That's great then. Now we can try cooking the banana cake. You can help me if i ask you too"

"Sure Tae."

Taehyung got his cooking apron on and gave jungkook one as well. He initially struggled with it but with tae's help he finally managed to wear it.

 He initially struggled with it but with tae's help he finally managed to wear it

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He looks shooo cute i can't 😩🤏

He watched Tae get all the ingredients into a bowl and mix it with an electric whip. He then poured the contents into a baking tray. When the tray slowly disappeared into the oven, tae turned back to jk.

"Now let's wait" he said

"You are so skillful. It is a pleasure watching you bake"

"Oh thanks" Taehyung giggled

"It was my mom who brought the baker out of me" he added. "have you ever tried baking? "

"Yeah. I tried it once for.. um m-my ex husband. But I ended up burning the kitchen. So I never tried it again " he ended with a small chuckle.

"I will make sure you can bake like a pro before u leave this job" taehyung said making the younger smile.

They went on talking about anything and everything until the room was filled with the smell of cake. "Seems like the waiting part is over. It felt less boring with you to talk to" Taehyung said as he took out the cake.

"That turned out well. Now let me bake some cookies and cupcakes. Can you get the dishes done while I do this?" The older asked. Jungkook nodded and started doing the dishes.

"Let me tell you something, I hate doing the dishes. Like I despise it so much that if someone ask me to either date a girl or do the dishes . I would happily date a girl" Tae said almost whispering the last words. Jungkook laughed and continued.

"But I like it." He said back (i wanna go to this place and watch these two attractive men doing their thing)

"That was fun" Jungkook said as they sat down in the sofa.

"Junghe would be waiting, shall we go pick him up now?" Said Tae

"How was your day cupcake?" Tae asked to the kid who was now seated in the backseat with his dad.

"It was boring. " junghe pouted.

"How was your's taetae and pappa? Did my pappa burn your kitchen?" He asked back

"Y-you -"

"Our day was amazing. Your Pappa is gonna be a pro baker. He will even make your favorite cupcakes soon."

Taehyung watched the duo being cute through the mirror. 'Aww why are they so cute.'

As they didn't have many customers, they decided to go home. "Wait ,I will be back now" he said as they got in the car.

Taehyung went inside and got a quick puff from his cigarette and put the pack in his pocket and went back.(I think he would look so damn attractive while smoking umm well lemme add that warning SMOKING CAUSES CANCER, SMOKING KILLS NO CHARACTERS IN THIS STORY PROMOTES OR SUPPORTS SMOKING )

"Let's go" he said as he sat back into his seat.

By then Junghe was alseep in Jungkook's lap.

"He's asleep?" Tae questioned

"He must have been tired after the school" jungkook replied. Taehyung nods and started the car.

"Tomorrow I'll teach you to bake ok? Let's make u a pro baker like i promised your son." Tae said while driving.

"Ok sure. But you better get a fire extinguisher ready " jungkook replied with a small laugh. Taehyung joined the laugh.

They reached the apartment in no time. Jungkook kinda wanted the ride to last longer (the story is cute but my mind is still the same 'dirty mind dirty mind d-d-d-d-dirty mind' 🌚)

Taehyung picked Junghe up from Jungkook's lap and carried him to his bed.

"Bye kook. See you tomorrow " taehyung said any one who heard it would understand how he wanted to spend more time with the family.

"Ok bye tae good night" said jungkook as he waved at tae who walked to his own apartment door.

Things about me from this chapter

•I hate doing the dishes

What else *thinks hard* ah idk

Hello, I'm having a lot of exams so don't expect updates for a long time *cries in lachimolala*. Wish me luck. Anyway I'll try to write more after 30 this month. Bye bye * waves*


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