2. New Start

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The father son duo reached their apartment by evening. The driver left them with their heavy luggage in front of the enormous building. And to their misfortune, the lift was out of service .Jungkook took all the bags with difficulty and started climbing the stairs with Junghe also helping his pappa by carrying his small bag. "How heartless of the driver uncle to let us carry these" the kid had more senses than most the elders. "We have to walk so far dad. My hands hurt" Junghe whined thinking no one could hear them.

"Excuse me", a deep voice was heard from behind. Jungkook turned around to find the source of that voice. His eyes met with a man not much older than him. His hair was disheveled probably from an evening workout.

"Hi, I'm  Kim Taehyung. That luggage looks heavy let me help. ", Taehyung said as he got the bag from Junghe and one from Jungkook. "You guys are moving into the second floor?" he asked. Jungkook nodded with a small smile.

" So are you guys the new residence of the room next to mine? I mean room number 12." 

"Ah, yes. I'm Jeon Jungkook. We are gonna be neighbors "

"Nice. What is your name little one?" , Tae asked caressing the kids hair.

"I'm Junghe. " he gave tae a bright smile.

"Oh what a nice name you have got. Who named you that?", Taehyung asked sweetly 

"Dad did. Didn't he pappa?", Junghe asked looking at his pappa who suddenly seemed uncomfortable that he just gave a small nod.

"He didn't come with you? " , Taehyung asked Junghe nodded and mouthed no. He didn't wanna interfere in their personal matter so he did not question it further.

"Have a good day. Make sure to ask me if you need any help ", Taehyung said Jungkook after he handed over the luggage. Jungkook thanked the other and entered their room while Taehyung entered his after waving goodbye to Junghe .

"He is so nice isn't he pappa? Can I be friends with him?" , Junghe asked as soon as he found a place to sit.

"Be careful with new people. Don't trust strangers so fast ", Jungkook said as he started unpacking and setting things up. 

"Okkie pappa. Now, can I watch tv?" , Junghe asked with puppy eyes.

"Ok watch whatever you like but only until I finish my work. After that, you should wash up and sleep early like you always do. You have school tomorrow remember?"

"Fine pappa I'll be a good boy I promise ", Junghe said jumping in excitement.

Double update ,yeah. Hehe...

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