9. Cakes tell stories

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Jungkook got up earlier than usual today. He just felt a little excited? He doesn't know (he is a confused hooman just like me)

"Good morning my cupcake" Jungkook said leaning down to junghe and giving him a forehead kiss (don't touch me I'm soft)

"Gwood mornin pappa" junghe said rubbing his eyes.

"Get up let's get ready " said Jungkook while ruffling his son's hair.

"Ah pappa today is Sunday. I don't have to go to school" he said suddenly realizing it and giving a bright smile.

"Oh i almost forgot that"

"But pappa let's get ready. We can go to taetae's  shop" 

"Junghe, he might have gone and why should we go and disturb him always" Jungkook said but he was a lil excited to meet the older.

"Pappa plwease" junghe said in the cutest way possible.

"Ah fine get ready fast" he said losing to junghe's cuteness.

They both got ready and got out of their apartment. There Taehyung was locking his apartment door.

"Good morning taetae" junghe said making tae turn around and see them.

"Good morning cutie" Taehyung said getting down on his knees and squeezing his cheeks.

"So you guys are here to come with me right?" Taehyung said getting up.

"Yeah" junghe replied with excitement not letting his pappa speak.

The whole trip was about Junghe was talking to his taetae and Jungkook was just giggling at them.

After they reached, junghe said he is gonna play around. So taekook left into the kitchen.

"Remember I said I'll teach u to bake? " Taehyung said.

"Yes i will try" Jungkook replied.

"No I know u can do it. " tae reassured him and Jungkook smiled.

(The story below is an actual story ig i saw it somewhere but i can't remember where. It isnt 100% accurate) "Today's cooking session is a special one. This cake is called Joan's rainbow cake. It has an amazing story to it." Taehyung said with excitement.

"What is that?" Jungkook was curious.

"During the second world war, a soldier's wife was baking a cake for her husband. She made a cake out of freshly plucked strawberries the first day and waited for her husband's arrival. But he didn't return that day. She was saddened but she didn't lose hope. The next day she made a pista cake and waited for her husband. But he didn't return that day too." Tae said while assembling all the needed ingredients.

"Then what happened?" Jungkook questioned listening keenly.

"The next day she made an orange cake with some ripped oranges and a lot of love. She really thought the war would end that day but it didn't. He didn't return. "

Jungkook sighed. "I hate stories like this"

"Wait that's not the end. The next day her spirts were quite low but her husband came home with her favorite chocolates. Now joan was beyond happy. She added those chocolates on top of the three layers of cake and gave it her beloved husband. He smiled and said 'your love has the power to end the world war'." Taehyung finished the story and got all the ingredients ready.

"Wow. I have never thought that a cake can have such a nice story behind it." Jungkook said.

Then they begun making the cake. Jungkook wasn't so bad at it and tae didn't have to use any fire extinguisher. Soon the three layers of cake was ready.

"Now the melted chocolate." Tae said.

Jungkook was mixing the chocolate and suddenly heard Tae saying something.

"Melted chocolate is like broken trust. No matter how much you freeze it again it will never come back to it's original shape" he seemed lost in thought.

"Ah" Jungkook's scream got Tae out of his thoughts.

He had burnt his finger listening to Taehyung. "Oh I'm sorry" tae said and blowed Jungkook's fingers.

For a brief moment they looked into each other's eyes. But their moment was interrupted by junghe.

"Pappa, d-dadda is here" he said trying to catch his breath.

I love cliffhangers *evil laugh* bye bye!!!


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